Last Day of School!

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I woke up with a smile, I mean like who wouldn't on the last day of school. I put on my galaxy leggings, my white crew neck sweatshirt that said "Whatever." and my white converse. I was so ready for the day. I got up pretty early so I decided to go to Starbucks before school. I drove there and got in line.

"Hi, can I get... just a Caramel Frappuccino?"

They wrote down my name and made me coffee which I was dying for! I sat down and looked at my phone. Crap! I going to be late. I drink fast and ran to my car.

I made it in time and I was greeted my Charlie.

"Geez, I thought you were gonna be late... what took you so long?"

"Starbucks" I showed home my cup.

"Yum" He took my cup.

"Hey! Stop it." We fought for it and laughed.

We held hands while we walked into school. We went to my locker and I grabbed my books.

"So, Jess what are you going to do this summer?"

"Hopefully, hanging with you." We kissed.

"Get a room!" Karen said while walking by.

"Get a life!" Charlie shouted. Everyone laughed. Karen looked backed and stomped away.

The rest of the day was fun because our classes were easy. At the end of the day, I went to my locker and grabbed all my things.

"Hey, babe!"

"Hey, you ready?"

"Let's Roll."

Kaitlyn, Brendan, Kylie, The Ann's, and Ricky were all waiting at the front door.

"It's about time you guys showed up!" Brendan shouted.

We all walked outside and looked around. We were all going to the movies for a last day of school together.

"Well, Senior Year here we come." I said. We all sighed and walked off.

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