Getting Ready

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Tomorrow was going to be the first day of my new life at school. I was so scared! It took me awhile to find something to wear to school tomorrow, I finally decided to wear black leggings, an oversized tee shirt, and my boots. It was kind of chilly that week so I decided those things matched the weather.

I showed my Mom my outfit (just to make sure it is appropriate) "That looks really good," She smiled. "So, are you nervous?" I had to think about what to say, of course I was nervous had could you ask that? Or why did we have to move I was so happy with my old life but instead a had to lie a little. "Um, yeah I guess," I tried not sounding too sad. She hugged me and went into the kitchen to make dinner.

At dinner, my brother couldn't stop talking about how excited he was about school. He already has a friend. My Mom has a friend that lives here and she has a son that is of course Lucas's age (which is 9).

I didn't really eat. My told me to eat a little more and I tried the vegetables and they were kind of gross. My Dad was talking about his job because he went up to the office today to check it out and meet his boss. He said he was very happy. Yay.

I went to bed after I took a shower, brushed my teeth, had some popcorn, watched tv in my room, and played on my phone. I set my alarm for 6:30. This is it new school here I come.

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