Kissing Isn't Always Good

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Halloween is next weekend, but I am more excited for the Halloween party I was invited to. It is Ricky's party and it's going to be at his house. I decided to wear a Superman shirt and a Pink Superman Cap with some black leggings. I didn't want to go overboard on my costume. I called Kaitlyn and asked if she wanted to go to the party with me.

"Yeah! What are you wearing?" Kaitlyn was so excited.

"Um, I am wearing sort of a Superman costume what about you?"

"Omg! I am going to wear a Wonder Woman costume."

"Awesome! I will pick you at 7."


Almost the whole grade was going to the Halloween party. I usually love parties but I am actually nervous about this one. Tyler was going to be there and so is all my friends.

I woke up this morning and ate some food. I texted Tyler.

"Hey, you excited about the party tonight?"

"Yeah! You are going right?"

"Totally! What is your costume?"

"I am going as Batman because I am awesome like that!"

"Haha. I am going as Superman even though I am not a man."

"That is a good thing! Because then I would be dating a guy."

"Haha, well I need to go get ready!"

"Bye! Wait! Meet me at the basketball hoop when you get there!"

My mom made a yummy dinner and I put on my costume and put on some makeup. My mom drove me and we picked up Kaityln. We drove to his house and I told my mom goodbye. Kaitlyn ran off and met Kylie at the snack area. I looked around because I didn't know where everything was. I finally found the basketball hoop and saw Tyler. I also saw Karen talking to Tyler. I didn't know what they were saying but I kept walking towards them. I looked away for one second and looked back at them. I couldn't believe it. Karen and Tyler were kissing. How could he? I was right next to them and Tyler looked back.

"Jessica? No! I... I didn't mean... Jessica!"

I ran off. Karen was laughing. Kaitlyn tried stopping me but I kept running. I called my mom and she picked me up. I ran inside, locked my door, and cried the whole night.

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