Meet the Potts

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**A/N: My own idea, based off all the one-shots I've been reading lately about Pepper's awful family and how the Starks deal with that.**

Peter bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly. His mom, Pepper, was having a birthday party, and the teenager couldn't be more excited. His dad and him had been working on the surprise party for a while, and everything was going perfectly.

"Put the cake over there." Tony jerked his head in the direction of the table, and Bruce and Natasha, who had just gotten back from the bakery, set the massive birthday cake down.

"Did we put out drinks yet?" Steve asked, poking his head around the kitchen wall, his "kiss the cook" apron hanging loosely around his neck. "I just finished the platters of snack foods."

"Okay, perfect," Tony said, struggling with the streamers. "Can you give me a hand here, kiddo?"

Peter smiled and climbed up the wall by his dad. He shot a web from his wrist to secure the streamers.

"Drinks?" Steve prompted from the kitchen again.

"Oh, I'll get them." Clint ran down the hall, eager to be of assistance.

The penthouse looked great. Tony and Peter had hung a huge banner across the entrance hall that said "Happy Birthday, Pepper"and there were streamers hanging from all over. Natasha and Bruce had set up a long table by the window in the living room, which was covered in a deep purple table cloth and platters of veggies and chips. The birthday cake, which was on the small table next to the pile of gifts already accumulated from the Avengers, Tony, and Peter, was to the side, covered in frosting flowers and candles. Peter had insisted they put as many candles as possible, it being an inside joke between he and his mom that cakes were supposed to shine bright enough to take pictures in the dark when all the candles were lit.

It was almost time for Pepper to arrive home, and for the guests to start showing up. Of course, the team had invited some SHEILD agents Pepper was close with, a few of the higher clearance interns Pepper worked with a lot, the PA's and secretaries from her office, and a few friends Pepper kept in contact with from business school.

Oh, and one more thing. Tony, who had no idea about Pepper's complicated family relationship, had stumbled on their contact info while gathering phone numbers of friends in Pepper's address book.

When the elevator dinged, Peter raced down the hall, hoping to see his mom. Instead, he was greeted with Agent Maria Hill, a friend of his mom, and his old babysitter.

"Oh, hey Peter! Where are presents going?" Peter pointed to the table by the cake, then gave the brunette a hug.

"Mom's not here, yet, but she should be any minute. Drinks and snacks are in the living room." Maria thanked him and headed off to get some finger food. Peter barely had any time to turn around, before the elevator dinged again and Peter saw his Mom's 2 PA's and new secretary step into the penthouse.

"Peter!" The teen was swept into a three-way hug, effectively being squished.

"Hi, guys," he said, wrapping his arms around the 3 women. "Snacks and drinks are in the living room, Mom isn't here yet."

"Oh, okay!" The secretary, Joann, and the first PA, a tall blonde named Patricia, ran off, leaving the second PA, an older woman named Maude, with 3 cards. She held them out to Peter.

"We were all a little busy this weekend, but we got Pep some cards and gift cards to a salon down the road, a nice Italian place she likes, and her favorite shoe store."

Peter laughed, taking them from the woman. "She'll love that, thank you." He walked the woman back towards the party, setting the cards down as they entered the room.

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