Packaged Deal

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**Request for 19dtice where the Maximoff twins are Bucky's... adopted kids? Sort of siblings? Anyways, this one was really fun and I liked writing protective Bucky. I changed a few minor details you had mentioned before to make the plot and the timeline work, but I hope you still like it. Enjoy!**

Bucky didn't have a lot of clarity between sessions. The chair, missions, the freezer. Bucky didn't get a lot of time to himself, and even less time to remember being Bucky. Some things never got lost, though. He wasn't always Bucky, but he was always protective.

The first time Bucky saw the twins, he had almost pulled away from his handlers to get to them. They were just so small. All wide eyes and scared smiles. Bucky just wanted to get to them and protect them and maybe ruffle that little boy's hair or let the little girl ride on his shoulders. And maybe never ever let them out of his sight again.

"Who are they?" Bucky ground out in harsh Russian. He was on his way out for a mission, his mask of hard obedience and loyalty. It wasn't a handler who responded, just one of the agents in charge of getting Bucky out on the road.

"New recruits."

It wasn't a lot to go off of, so Bucky just watched. Watched and learned and planned. He made careful note of the twins' schedule and while HYDRA handlers followed them. He knew when they got their meals, and what they were doing for HYDRA. And most of all, Bucky was holding onto as much of his consciousness and clarity as possible.

So when Bucky broke out of the HYDRA facility with two children thrown over his shoulders, it really  shouldn't have been a surprise to anyone.

"Names?" Bucky asked as the three ran from the broken and burning remains of the HYDRA base.



They only stopped once Bucky was sure they hadn't been followed. Bucky had just finished tucking the twins into some shitty motel beds - if there was one thing Bucky knew how to do, it was disappear into the crowd. The motel hadn't even asked for ID, and Bucky paid entirely in cash. The twins were natural born actors, too, they had played up their relationship to Bucky so any suspicious would be avoided right from the get-go, with Wanda and Pietro both referring to Bucky as their father as soon as they got to the front desk.

Bucky watched as the two twins slept. He ran a calloused hand down his face, the sheer exhaustion he was feeling finally setting in.

He had no idea what to do now. It wasn't like... Well, he could call Steve, but that just didn't seem like a smart thing to do. Steve was Captain America, he was the US governments poster child. It didn't matter they were old friends, he would turn Bucky over and- Why had Bucky done this? What was he thinking? He could barely keep himself functioning, who did he think he was to bring-

"Why are you still up?"

The sound of a voice made Bucky jump. It was just Pietro, though.

"Can't sleep," Bucky murmured as Pietro settled onto the couch next to Bucky. "Thinking about next steps."

The boy hummed. "You're going to take us back."

"What? No!" Bucky shook his head, but Pietro's eyes were set.

"Yes you are. You have enough on your plate without having to worry about us, too. Don't worry, Buck, we can-" Pietro swallowed a lump in his throat. "We're always fine. We can look after ourselves."

Bucky pulled Pietro into his lap and looked at the boy with as sincere a look as he could hold. "Pietro, I'm not going to leave your brother or sister. I made a promise to you back in that cell, do you remember that?"

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