Teaming Up

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**This was something I came up with from a silly Tumblr prompt, I felt like it was the perfect Peter/Wade dynamic, so here it is! Also, a quick announcement, because of how stressful and uncertain things are right now in the world with the pandemic, I'll be doing a week of fluff. 1 chapter a day that's just 100% fluff and happy endings - if I can get just one of my wonderful readers to smile while everything is so crazy, I'll feel good about that. 7 days, 7 fluffy chapters, 7 perfect ships/plots/stories. Don't worry, I'll still be doing requests and regular chapters :)**

Wade Wilson was pretty popular. A star quarterback, a heart-breaker, a no-nonsense kind of guy. Sure, he seemed to bounce up after every tackle and hit, almost as if he were invincible, but no one really notice too much. After all, they were usually too busy cheering him on to even think 'his neck for sure twisted the wrong way just a moment ago?', and 'wasn't his leg just bent behind his back?'.

Peter Parker, on the other hand, was a nobody. A nerdy academic, no-date-to-Homecoming, doormat of a person. Sure, if you got to know him, you'd know he was one of the nicest people around, with a huge heart and a load of cheesy puns to lay on you, but no one ever bothered to get close enough to see those things. After all, they were usually too busy egging on Flash as he beat Peter to a pulp to even think 'didn't he win the Academic Decathalon competition single-handedly?', and 'wasn't he the one to pick up my books the other day when they fell out of my locker?'.

Despite being on opposite ends of the social ladder, Wade and Peter knew each other. Quite well, actually, though they never let on at school.

See, Wade was also a mercenary by the name of Deadpool, and Peter was a superhero by the name of Spiderman. On occasion, they ran into each other during patrols or jobs, but usually, Spiderman was picking up after Deadpool's messes or stopping the mercenary before he could shoot some unsuspecting criminal who really deserved jail time over death.

Peter wouldn't say Wade was his nemesis, but he wasn't a good guy, at least not in Peter's eyes.

Wade wouldn't say Peter was his mortal enemy, but he wasn't exactly a fun person to have around, at least not in Wade's eyes. I mean, what was a fight without katanas and blood splattering across your face and a good snapping of a bone?

So they avoided each other. As far as the sophomore class of Midtown High was concerned, Wade and Peter didn't even know each other, which is why everyone was surprised to see them sitting together in the cafeteria one lunch period.

"We should do something." Peter said, calmly folding his hands on the table.

Wade nodded. "I'm so tired of this. I just want to be able to study a full night without going out and-" The jock looked around, ducking his head closer to Peter. "You know. Fighting."

Peter rolled his eyes. "You're a drama queen, Wilson."

"Oh, and you're not going insane being called every few hours to deal with that nit-wit when we both know Mr. Clark's midterms are hell?"

Peter hummed. It was true, having a new villain pop up during midterm week was killing him, and he was barely holding it together.

"So what do we do?" the smaller teen asked, noticing a few confused looks from around the cafeteria.

"I think-" Wade started, but someone shouted to the football player and he turned. His buddies were waving him over, laughing to themselves undoubtedly at Peter's expense. "I think I'll call you tonight, okay? We'll meet somewhere to talk."

Peter nodded, watching as the boy got up and jogged over to his friends. He pursed his lips. Why did he have to be so... annoyingly popular and jockish?

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