Cast With Dye

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**Request for _saphirerose_ and its about the real life cast, which was totally new and out of my comfort zone and took a ton of research lol. Also, I know you requested for everyone to be in this one, but I was having a hard time fitting them all in, so I kind of featured a few of the msot important ones for the plot, I hope that's okay. Featuring an OC, I named her Katy, so she's made up. Weird sidebar - in high school I used to do work as an extra and a body double in shows and movies, so I knew a lot about what things were called on set and had kind of blocked that from my memory so then when I started pulling random knowledge out of the recesses of my mind, I got pretty excited. Anyways. Hope this is what Saphirerose was looking for, and enjoy!**

Katy bunched the letter in her hand, tightening her fist around it until it was balled up and unreadable. The young woman threw it into the trashcan by the door.

Every since she and Chris had met while filming on of the Avenger's movies, she had been getting a tidal wave of angry, threatening, mean-spirited letters. It wasn't a big deal, everyone one in show business got hate mail at some point in their lives, but it still hurt. Things were even worse on social media. Comments and private messages flooded Katy's account whenever she posted a picture with Chris.

"Hey," a familiar voice said from the doorway. "Whatcha up to?"

Katy jumped and hid the balled up letter behind her back. "Hey, babe."

"What were you holding?" Chris had been around long enough to have his suspicions.

"Nothing." Katy dropped the note into the trash, making sure if fell down under the other trash in the bin.

Chris took a deep breath. He knew that things had been rough for Katy. When Tom had suggested the studio pull her in for a role as one of the more prominent supporting characters, the entire cast had been worried about it. They knew how difficult it could be to become someone in the public eye. What's more, as Tom Hiddleston's sister, she was convinced she knew exactly what she was walking into and refused to take any help dealing with fan mail or running her social media pages.

And... If Chris was being honest, she'd been looking more tired lately. Tired, worn out, and thin. Really thin. More thin than usual. He'd asked Scarlet to talk to her about it, but they'd decided in the end that if anyone would talk to her, it would be either Zendaya or Letita, seeing as they were closer to Katy's age and had grown quite close to one another.

"Okay," the man said, letting the subject go for now. "Wanna come out to the cast party? Everyone's been asking about you."

Katy smiled, her eyes lighting up a bit. It was no secret that the cast from the movies were close, but to Katy, they were like family. Now that she and Chris had been dating for nearly a year, the cast was even closer, as they all joked about the budding relationship and couple.

The cast party was in full swing. Everyone was excited for the upcoming wrap on set, which would be tomorrow when they finished a big finale scene.



"Come try this fruit platter!"

Katy waved at everyone. She still felt out of place sometimes, especially when it all hit her like this. She was an actress. Working with some of the best actors in the world. She was literally dating Captain America. 

Scarlet watched as Chris reengaged in an animated conversation with the other Chris's, leaving Katy at the buffet table. She watched as Katy picked up a piece of cheese, take a bite, then quickly throw the rest out. Katy made a move to get something else, but then pulled her hand back and walked towards some of the younger actors.

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