"Scared, Parker?"

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**Request for XDaisy123 where Peter's school gets a new addition to the gym, and he's roped into a dare that goes wrong. This one was so freaking fun, thank you again for the request!! I wasn't sure if you wanted something more lighthearted and cute, or if you were okay with some mean Flash, but I hope you like it! Enjoy!**

Midtown Technical High School was small, squished in between a couple office buildings and backed up to a field barely big enough for a good game of football. It was stacked up on itself, a second floor housing a modest library and the English and math rooms.

Of course, being a school of nerds, Midtown didn't exactly prioritize sports. Flash was occasionally enthusiastic about soccer and football, but for the most part, people disliked P.E. This made the remodeling of the gym perplexing at best, since Midtown still used textbooks from nearly 2 decades ago and most of the the science rooms needed more microscopes and new beakers.

Peter trudged towards the new gym, dread pitting in his stomach. The few weeks it had taken to remodel the gym had been a sweet reprieve, as it meant every student missed gym until building was finished.

"Ready?" Ned asked, catching up with his friend. "I don't know what they did, exactly, it's not like the gym is any bigger now."

Peter snorted. "I know. I bet it was just new lights and new carpet-padding stuff on the walls."

"It could be new basketball hoops or something dumb like that."

The two made their way into the locker room, talking in low tones about Peter's most recent patrol and the newest episode of a Netflix original show they had been binging together. There was technically 10 minutes to change, but it wasn't like they ever took longer than 5. No one liked changing clothes around others, especially not the two nerdiest kids in high school.

They went across the hall and pushed open the heavy doors. The floors were the same, chipped wax and splintering wood planks. The walls were the same, too, the same musty padding and peeling paint. In fact, it didn't look like anything had changed, except for a huge hanging curtain on the back wall, from ceiling to floor.

There were a few minutes until everyone was in the gym, and then the coach came in and blew a whistle.

"Alright, class! We're gonna be playing with a new toy today. Flash, can you hit the green button by the door?"

The class bully jogged over to the door and pressed a small green button by the light switch. A dull, mechanical whirring echoed through the room. The dark curtain at the back of the gym raised slowly, revealing a new wall.

"So that's what they remodeled," Ned murmured.

There was a huge rock climbing wall, the "rocks" getting more and more scared at the top.

"It's designed to challenge you the higher you get," the coach explained. "Let's get some competition going, guys."

Peter and Ned shared uneasy looks. It was never good when Peter got too close to climbing at school. When they'd done the ropes last month, Peter had to fake sick, and then pretend to be too weak to get 5 feet off the ground.

"Now, lets-"

The PA sparked to life, interrupting the coach. "Mr. Hook to the main office, Hook to the main."

The coach looked up for a second before looking back at the students. "I'll be right back, don't get up on the rock wall without me. We need to bring mats out when I get back."

The coach ran off, and everyone sort of milled around and grouped up to make small talk. Peter turned to Ned, opening his mouth to start talking about the math test coming up when-

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