Chapter 3 Agreeing

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Storming upstairs - hearing my mom call behind me - I threw my skateboard in the corner and fell unto my bed.

How could my birthday have such a tragic ending to it ?

This was supposed to be a happy day. A good day.

Not for the reason of my so called 'engagement ' but for my entry into adulthood. Now it was all gone. Ruined. If I had a time machine it would sure come in handy right about now. But no ! I'm Olivia the mess Davis.

Nothing ever worked in my favour!

"Liv..." my mom's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

"Go away mom." I said back in a defeated tone.

"Oh honey please let me in so we can talk. "

"I don't feel like talking..." I trailed off , looking up at the ceiling -where my once 9 year old self stuck glow in the dark stars- I listened as my mother let out a defeating sigh before hearing her feet disappear down the hallway again.

It wasn't that I was being difficult on purpose because believe me , I really love my parents. But since this morning's 'incident' I just didn't know where I stood anymore... with anyone.

It's like in a way I was all grown up now but at the same time treated like a little kid , you know ?

It sucked. 

I spent the next three days in my room not once stepping foot outside. My mom left me food outside the door each day which I gladly accepted once I was certain they were all gone and I was alone.

So it took a lot out of me making the decision to go outside today. I wasn't ready to face them yet. But I also knew I couldn't hide under my covers forever. No matter how much I wanted to live out my days there.

Slipping on my Vans and throwing my hair into a high pony , I slowly made my way downstairs . Sighing in relief when I saw that they weren't up yet.

So , being the hungry teenager that I was I grabbed a bowl and poured myself some Crunch Berries .

"Yes ,Travis I understand the consequence that involves her -" I froze at my dad's voice coming down stairs . Slowly taking a seat at the Island I listened to him talk .

"- yes. I know. Believe me , I've tried everything. If you can just give me a few days to try and convince her to sign then it'll be all go-" I watched as my father froze in the doorway , knowing I just witnessed his whole conversation.

"I'll have to call you back. " dad said hanging up,  as I took a spoon full of cereal trying to act oblivious to what just happend.

"Who was that? " I asked , crunching annoyingly loud.

"That was Travis...Walker. He wanted to know when you were going to sign. But honey I promise -"

"Save it. Don't you dare try and lie to me dad." I said seriously , putting my spoon down and directing my full attention towards him. I watched as he rubbed his hands over his face , knowing he just messed up before saying;

"I'm sorry."

If I hadn't put my cereal aside before , I might've chocked on it.

Did my dad just , apologize?

"What ?"  I whimpered, though I didn't intend to squeak sounding so weak . But it just took me by surprise...

"I said I was sorry. I know that this was a lot for you to take in and haven't I not screwed up the first time - 21 years ago - I could've saved you all of this drama . But I did . And now there's nothing I can do about it. "

"Why ?" I said softly, trying to atleast figure out the reason behind all of this.

"Why what ?"

"Why DID you use me as a business transaction all those years ago ?"

" I was young and stupid. Our business barely existed , it was only 3 months in when I started to invest in other companies. Little did I know the trouble I was buying into. Mr Smith gave me this amazing opportunity and took a chance on my  - back then - little company. But he had a son to take care off ... so with me gaining money and him losing money he wanted something out of the deal too. So me being the stupid 23 year old that I was , took it not thinking about what it could mean for me in the future. And then 3 years down the line - when your mother was pregnant with you - I invested into my second company - needing more money for you of course - so Mr Walker made me an almost identical deal to Mr Smith - to who I at the time have forgotten about when he got so sick - so I took it blindly . And that was my mistake. I'm so sorry sweetheart. Can you ever forgive me?"

I watched my dad's face while I took all of this in . It made sense why he did what he did but also hurt me a lot knowing he didn't even consider me in the situation.

"Yes . But not right now. Not while the wound's still fresh ..." I said,  sliding my bowl back and taking another bite.

"I understand . But could you atleast go to lunch with Ethan and  Jacob later ? Just to get to know them a little better?  That's all I'm asking . You don't even have to stay that long. One drink that's all." Dad pleaded as I contemplated everything over in my head .

"One drink. " I said , taking my bowl upstairs - being done with this conversation - as my dad yelled a "thank you sweetie " back at me while I made my ascend back to my room.

So not only did I know the backstory of this freaky situation,  I now had to sit through a meal with them .

Both of them !?


Why did I even agree to this ?

It is shorter than the rest but it's just a quick filler. I wanted to make the 'date' a separate chapter so I ended this one here instead. I hope you enjoyed it,  thank you for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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