Chapter 12 Get to know me

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The rest of the day was spent , swimming , tanning , eating and then repeating. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be , and atleast they managed to keep their personal differences at bay and manage NOT to kill eachother.

The ride home was silent due to the fact that the sun wore us all out and that sleep wanted to take over so badly over each of us , but I knew sleep was inevitable to me. I still had a date with Ethan later. He didn't say much as to what we were doing or where we were going , only that I had to be ready by 8.

Hearing the car engine go silent, and our house coming into view , I tried very hard to keep my feet stable and make it to the front door WITHOUT collapsing in the drive way. I was beyond the point of tired already.  "Here." I heard Ethan before I felt him. His arms going under my legs and behind my back as he carried me to my room , putting me on my bed. I wanted to protest and tell him I was fine walking on my own, but we both would know that's a lie. I could hardly keep my eyes open. "You can sleep for 2 hours until you have to get ready for our date. " he said , pulling the covers over my body.


"Sleep Olivia. I'll come and wake you when it's almost time to go. " he said leaving before I could get another word out. It wasn't long after I heard my bedroom door close that my eyes drooped closed and I fell into the blissful arms of sleep.

Two and a half hours later I woke up to someone shaking me lightly. Fluttering my eyes open I was met with the kind eyes of Jacob.

"Hey ..." I said stretching and sitting up.

"You feel better ?" He enquired,  sitting on the edge of my bed.


"Great. Ethan a ... he told me that you should probably get yourself ready now. You leave in half an hour. "

"You know ?" I said , feeling bad that I was going out with Ethan and not him. I mean if I could have it my way I would have them both by my side to be fair. But I lost the bet so I didn't have any other choice or say in the matter .

"Yeah , I know ..." he said , scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Look Jacob I -"

"It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself Olivia . " he said sincerely making my heart ache. How is he so considerate and understanding ?

"But I feel kinda bad though..."  I trailed off , letting my gaze fall unto lap.

"Well don't. I'll get my turn , I promise. Now you better get ready Ethan's not the most patient person." He said with a chuckle , leaving my room so I could get ready. Falling back unto my bed with a sigh , I started to think about what this night was holding in for me. I had absolutely no clue what was waiting for me when I got downstairs.

20 minutes later , I've showered,  dressed , did my makeup,  dried my hair and styled it. This had to be some new kind of record or something . Taking a last look over at myself in the mirror, I felt content with the outfit I had picked out. I was wearing a red skater skirt , black crop top along with some heels and knee high socks. It gave me some serious  Teen Wolf vibes , especially with my hair cascading  down my shoulders in loose curls. But I thought I looked kinda pretty.  He better appreciate the effort I put into his little date because if I had it my way, I would've gone in leggings and a hoodie. 

Grabbing my purse from the sidetable , I made my way downstairs seeing Ethan waiting at the bottom with his back turned to me, while he talked on the phone.  Clearing my throat - to indicate my presence - he said goodbye to whomever was on the other end of the line as he turned around.

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