Chapter 6 Crap

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We swung from monkey bars, danced in the rain , pretty sure we crashed a wedding, and drank wayyyyy too much. And some how when I woke up this morning I found myself in a hotel room , sprawled out across the bed -with my still wet hair clinging to my face - and my dress crumpled up under the covers.

What the hell happend last night? 

I couldn't seem to recall A THING that happend after we left the restaurant. But the pounding of my head lead me to the conclusion that I DEFINITELY had too much to drink last night.

But I'm underaged how did I get anything? 

Jacob's of age maybe he -

Jacob! I was with Jacob and Ethan last night when I left the restaurant!

And at lightning speed I threw open the covers of the bed , checking for any trace of missing clothing, and to my relief everything was still in tact and very much still in one piece.

Sighing in relief , I get up -trying to find Ethan and Jacob to get to the bottom of what went down last night - as I walked across the massive room seeing food and glasses lying EVERYWHERE.

That's until my eyes landed on the blonde mess lying on the couch -with his arm covering his eyes from the harshness of the sun peaking in - Ethan.

Deciding NOT to wake him just yet - because for all I knew we could've been alone in this room , to which I still wasn't clear on explaining - I kept looking for Jacob.

Walking over to the en suite bathroom , I couldn't suppress the laugh trying to escape my lips when I saw Jacob fully clothed in a bathtub filled with Twizzlers and Skittles,  wearing black sunglasses over his shaggy blonde hair , still very much asleep.

This was a sight to behold.

Where did he get that many Twizzlers and Skittles anyway?  But I guess that atleast explained all of the wrappers lying around.

Cautiously walking over to him , I tapped him on his shoulder. 

"Jacob? " nothing.

"Jacooooooob ? " still nothing.

So I walked a little closer , crouching down so I was level with his ears yelling; "Jacob!" Making him jump awake .

"Why ? Huh - why is the room so dark ?" He asked confused , making me take his sunglasses off as his eyes adjusted to the light.

"Morning." I said with a fake smile as he took in his surroundings confused.

"Why am I in a bathtub filled with candy? " he asked,  taking a Twizzler and sniffing it.

"The more important question is ; what the heck went down last night and where are we !?" I said, making him squint and cover his ears by my volume.

"Do you have to be so loud ?" He groaned,  making me yell an up
abrupt "yes!" Making him flinch.

"Okay , okay calm down. I'm getting up." He said,  lifting his hands up in surrender, getting up.

"Hold up." I said,  making him stop in his tracks. "Are you sure you're still FULLY clothed? " I said,  referring to his you know what.  Cause despite his upper half still being fully clothed, who knew what he had going on last night and I didn't want to take any chances.

I watched as he just sat there while I took that as my cue to leave. You know , I'd rather not know.

A few seconds later I was joined by a FULLY clothed Jacob as we both examined the situation infront of us.

"Is Ethan here? " he asked as I pointed at the lump on the couch.

I watched as he walked back to the bathroom filling a cup with water before walking over to Ethan,  pouring it all over his face.

"What the- hey ! What gives!?" He said,  jumping up from the couch before sitting down again , probably realizing he had a splitting headache too.

"What the hell happend here? " Ethan asked,  getting up again- much slower this time - and walking over to us.

"That's exactly what I would like to know too." I said , crossing my arms across my chest waiting for them to answer.

"I have no idea." Jacob said , rubbing the side of his head.

"I can't seem to remember anything after we left the restaurant. " Ethan chirped in.

Great. So no one knew a thing that went down last night.

"Well , lets start by heading downstairs and finding out where we are . Maybe someone saw us come in last night and knows what happend. " I said,  slipping my heels back on and groaning at the immense pain it was giving me.

Not daring to say a word , they both got their things and followed me downstairs.

Walking over to the guy at reception,it looked almost as if he saw a ghost when he saw us approach him.

"Hi ! Um , my friends and I booked in here last night and would just like to know if you by any chance know how we got here , we can't seem to remember a thing! " I said in a high , annoying preppy voice like one of those girls from meangirls , acting as if I was - true to the stereotype - a dumb blonde!

Watching me twirl my hair between my fingers and batting my eyelashes,  I knew he couldn't say no to a pretty face.

"Um -  I - I wasn't on duty last night but you can check the security camera's. " he said , turning the screen so we could see and rewinding to a few hours ago.

And what I saw not only made me embarrassed and disgusted, but made me want to stick my head in the nearest hole.

Right there , in black and white was me , stumbling around the lobby like a new born baby giraffe -touching everything in sight as if it were the most interesting object in the room , crawling on all fours to the fountain and SITTING in it-  until Ethan came up from behind and picked me up bridal style , carrying me away until Jacob caught up and tried taking my unconscious, limp body from Ethan's arms. They were literally passing me around like a rag doll from the one's arms to the other. And not even gently ! They yanked me from the other's grip until they realized I wasn't there anymore, caught up to the other and yanked me back. This went on for about all the way to the elevators until we were out of sight.

I had no words.

What do I even say to that !?

They fought over me like I was a piece of meat !

Blushing from pure embarrassment more than anything,  I thanked the guy and walked outside hailing a cab , not even paying attention to the two dimwits calling behind me.

"Olivia wait up !" Jacob yelled, keeping his hand on the cab door so I couldn't go anywhere. "I don't even remember any of that.  I would never -"

"Yeah , me too. If I was fully conscious I swear I would've never even looked your wa-" Ethan butt in , making me more mad than I already were.

Pulling me out of the cab , Jacob pulled us all aside .

"None of us had a clue what we were doing last night or how we got here. But I know for a fact that we better get our stories straight before we face our parents. " he said , making both Ethan and I share a frightened look , our blood running cold.

That was the last thing we were thinking of right now.

Jacob was atleast an adult he didn't need to justify himself , but Ethan and I were still very much in the clasps of our overbearing parents.

I have to say ; that I think this has been my favorite chapter by far to write ! I had so much fun creating all of these different scenarios and details 😂😂 what were your thoughts on it ? Let me know in the comment section below. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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