Chapter 34 Used to this

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"Jacob? Can I get another footrub please? " I called up the stairs , watching him dash down only seconds later. It took a lot of convincing to let them stay home with me for the last few weeks but even that wasn't enough since at the end of the day we settled on only ONE of them staying with me while the other went to work. Them taking turns of course. But as much as I enjoyed NOT being by myself anymore , it sure would've been nice to have both of them here.

But that didn't stop me from taking advantage of my situation anyway.

"Sure babe." He said the correct words but with the wrong tone. I could tell he was getting frustrated at me for calling him every 5 minutes for something, but then I just had to remind him WHO put me in this situation and it was all good again. Until the next 5 minutes of course.

"Thanks baby. " I said adoringly while he just gave -what he thought to be - a believable smile .

"So ... do you feel anything? Anything at all ?" He said , looking up at me.

"Yeah. It feels really nice. A little to the left. " I redirected him while I squint my eyes closed at how heavenly it felt.

"I actually meant any labor signs? " he said,  making me peek through one eye to see if he was being serious. I mean , I know I was sick and tired of being pregnant but I mean come on ! What do THEY have to be tired about ? I was practically doing all of  the work here !

"No. Why ?" I asked a little too hostile , sitting up.

"Uh... nevermind. It's fine. Forget about it."

"What about I don't?  I mean,  you already said it didn't you ?"

"Look, I didn't mean it like that baby. " he said, patronizing me.

"No ! Don't 'baby ' me. You just messed up and now you're trying to get that foot out of your mouth by patronizing me ."

"Olivia please,  I know you're upset -"

"Damn right I am. You wanna know why ?"

"Not really..." I heard him mumble under his breath while I shot a warning glare his way. I was beyond livid right now.

"You two have NO IDEA ! what I have to go through for you and because of you. Peeing every 10 minutes - which I can't even do by myself anymore -  looking like a fricking oompa loompa , not being able to see my cute little toes anymore - which are probably as swollen as a baby elephant's behind so thank goodness I CAN'T see them anymore - not even to mention the amounts of pains and aches I have to experience on a daily , TWICE ! So don't act like you're concerned of my well being while you're implying that you're  fed up with me being pregnant.  Because before you do that , remember WHO put me in this situation !"

"Honey I'm home !" An ecstatic Ethan said with a smile.

"Ugh !!!" I huffed , getting up and storming out.

"What's up with her ?" I heard Ethan on my way out while Jacob just nonchalantly replied with, " hormones " as if the conversation we just had was pointless !

It was like no one understood what I was feeling and what I was going through. It felt like every chance they got they wrapped me in wool , too afraid I'll explode and freak. But guess what? It happened anyway so I guess we were both wrong.

After my second hour of the silent treatment I couldn't keep my growling tummy at bay anymore. They knew I would cave any moment due to hunger and that's what made my defeat worse. So , with the last bit of dignity I had left in me , I slumped back downstairs seeing the table already set with Cottage pie and green beans. They however were no where to be seen which lead me to the bright idea that I could just sneak some food back to our room and act like I never admitted defeat. Like I was never even here.

"Hi Olivia ." Missy said with a warm smile while I silently shushed her,  looking around for any sign of them .

"Are the guys here? "

"Working in their offices why ?" She said warmly .

"No reason. Listen,  do me a favour and dish some supper up for me and bring it to my room please. Just , don't say it's for me."

"And why would she do that ?" I heard Ethan's voice from behind me while Missy let out a girlish giggle before running off again. I took a deep breath and turned around seeing him look smug and quite satisfied at his handy work.

"You set this up . Didn't you ?" I said in realization.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't. "

"Oh come on Ethan , just admit it so everyone can praise you, move on and I can continue stuffing my face." I said , folding my arms.

"Let's just say , you lasted 1 hour and 55 minutes longer than I thought you would. "

"Ha ha , very funny. Now can I eat please? "

"Not yet." He said , making me sigh out loud.  This was another level of torture. "You mind telling me what your little tantrum was all about this afternoon? "

"Didn't he tell you that already ?"

"Yes. But every story has two sides doesn't it ?"

"Okay ? So what's the  point? "

" I want to hear yours."

"But I'm so hungryyyyyy." I whined like a little child while he just smirked at my poot attempt in persuasion .

"Would you consider telling me while we ate ?"

"That depends, is buzzkill going to join us ?" I said blandly earning a chuckle from him.

"I'll tell him we're spending some time together. Sound good ?"

"Yeah I guess..."

" Now spill it ." He said, taking a chair out and dishing up for us both while I started to retell the story of what went down earlier.

"You know we don't think like that right ?" He said , taking my hand and holding it. This time around I wasn't yelling and throwing a fit. No , I was bawling my eyes out.

Maybe Jacob was right , it WAS just my hormones.

"Of course I know that , it's just hard because no one understands what I'm feeling and going through. "

"I'm sorry that you feel like that Amor but know that even if we don't understand to the extent to which you're feeling , that we still love you and want to be there for you as best we can. " he said sweetly , pulling me into his lap while I cried into his chest.

"I know ..." was all I knew to reply with.

"Come on , we love you. Don't cry baby please. "  And at the sound of his voice , I lifted my head up seeing him stand next to us filled with as much regret as I was. Getting up , I made my way to him while he wrapped me in his embrace , making me inhale his musky scent each time I sniffled.

"I love you too. And I'm sorry I was such a baby before. " I said , looking up into his eyes which held no anger or frustration,  just love and care.

"It's okay. I'm sorry too for being so insensitive. " he said , looking down at me while I stood up on my toes and placed a soft kiss to his lips. And the moment his hand wrapped around the small of my back the kiss got a whole lot hotter. Only to be interrupted  by Ethan annoyingly 'clearing his throat ' .

He put me back down on my feet while I straightened my shirt back down and went back upstairs but not before hearing Ethan's cocky tone of voice say ; "anger, sadness AND desire all in one day ? That babies better stay put for a while cause I could get used to this." Right before their feet on the stairs were heard running up after me.

I had some problems with this book for a while which is why it took me two weeks to write this chapter so bare with me if this chapter is a little eh . I promise I'm back on my A game now. Hope you all enjoyed this. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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