Chapter 37 Welcome

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"Sure . Let's talk." I said , laying my head on his shoulder while our fingers entwined.

"You know everything's going to change now ..." he trailed off while I felt him let out a heavy breath. He was worried no doubt. And not about me or the delivery but of what happened next. AFTER all this excitement was over.

"It is... "

"So what are we going to do about it ?"

"What do you mean ?" I said , lifting my head slightly so I could look at him.

"I mean , how are we going to deal with raising eachothers children ? Like what if they're both mine or Ethan's ? Are we gonna tell them ? Are we gonna raise them according to how OUR parents raised us ? Are they going to be messed up knowing some of our children will  come from different father's? I-I don't -" then my lips connected with his shutting him up. As we pulled back , he was no doubt speechless by my act.

"We'll get there when we get there. And as for the rest ? If it'll bring the two of you peace of mind we'll let them do a paternity test after they're born but keep that information between the three of us until ANY of our children would like to know who their father is at any point in their lives. It doesn't matter if they're a Walker or a Smith. They're all going to be born and raised Walker Smith's. A new generation. Which WE get to choose how we raise them. Not our parents. This is OUR new beginning. OUR life. And I'm planning on making the best of it." I said while he placed a peck on my lips - making me taste the faint coffee taste still lingering in his mouth -

"You know I love you right ?" He said ,looking down at me with those deep green doe eyes of his.

"I know." I said with a smile before both of us dozed off too.

I woke up with machines going off loudly in my ears creating a ringing sensation and immense pressure in my lower regions. And by the amount of medical staff rushing around and the lack of Jacob not lying next to me anymore, I would say that the babies were ready to meet the world.

"Okay , now Olivia. We're going to need you to calm down. We don't want you fainting again. Just calm down and take deep breaths. Ethan, Jacob get over here and help keep her calm while we prep her." Our nurse - also a family friend which meant she knew our situation - said while another helped my legs up some contraption that I wasn't quite familiar with.

"Deep breaths Liv. You got this." Jacob whisperd into my ear. 

"You can do this. You're a badass already. Now you're gonna be a badass mother and deliver our sons." Ethan said while I tried hard not to laugh at his attempt to comfort me . But it made me feel better nonetheless. In a weird attraction kind of way.

All while they were whispering two completely different things into my ears all I could focus on was the pressure that was telling me to do something already and the nurse counting me down and then letting me breathe. It was like an out of body experience. Like the voices around me became muffled as I just let my body do what it needed to do. At some point I couldn't even hear a thing anybody said, I was too concentrated on the pushing to listen anymore. It was when the sweet sound of a baby wailing was heard, that I took my first real breath in an hour and laid back down.

"It's a boy !" The nurse exclaimed while she took him over to a little table in the corner. At first I didn't understand why they didn't let me see him but when I felt the pressure coming back down again  I knew I wasn't done yet. I've pushed for another good hour. Baby B was a stubborn one the doctor had said. That he was supposed to have come out quicker and easier with his brother out of the way but the guys said he was probably as stubborn and headstrong like me. After they said that , I could tell already that he was going to be a mommy's boy.

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