Chapter 8 Power trip

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I woke up with a kickass start to the sound of silence surrounding me . The time for being weak and vulnerable was now OVER. Yesterday was a fluke and I wasn't planning on that happening again any time soon. If ever.

Throwing the covers of my bed to the side,I walked over to my new closet - picking out some black skinny jeans , a white tank , my combat boots and a red leather jacket- while putting Little Mix's POWER on full blast in my room as I made my way to my vanity. 

It was high time I showed these two who was REALLY in charge around here.

Lacing up my boots , I made my way downstairs seeing them both sitting at the kitchen counter, totally oblivious of the person they were dealing with.

I was like a Trojan horse and boy , you DIDN'T want to open this can of worms.

"Let's get mov'in ladies. " I said , shoving my way past a surprised Jacob in the doorway .

"Olivia are you oka-" Jacob said , reaching for me as I turned around at his alien touch,shoving his hand away as if it were fire burning every inch of my skin.

"I'm fine. Just peachy. " I said sharply  , slamming the fridge door shut and making my way to 'our' office . They said feelings were weakness and that it was impossible to win the war without sacrifice. After all , Victory stands on the back of sacrifice. Atleast, that's what I've learned from watching the 100.

I know.

And no surprise, my work was yet to be interrupted by their constant knocking on my door not a minute later  .

"Enter " I said loudly,  cringing at the way that I was sounding like my father. That's the last thing I'd want to be right now.

They said nothing while they took a seat infront of me . I didn't dare to break my concentration at their presence - why should I ?-  just waiting for one of them to speak up.

After 10 minutes of deafening silence and their gazes burning holes into my skull, I realized that none of them was going to man up and say something. I heaved out a sigh placing the stacks of paper to the side.

"What? " I said , growing slightly annoyed at the childish game they were trying to play here. I didn't have time for this nonsense.

"Are you-" Jacob started again  ,only to be  stopped by Ethan's hand hitting him on the shoulder.

"She already answered you. Don't ask that again,it'll only make her more irritated. " Ethan whispered while I tried very hard to suppress my smirk at the fact that they were catching on this fast.

"If you've got something to say just say it already.  I have a lot of work to do and quite frankly don't have time for this. " I said , turning my attention back to the graphs on my desk.

"Well um - then I guess that's all." Jacob said in a soft tone , getting up followed closely by Ethan.

"Great ." I said , dismissing them and putting my full attention back into my work. If I even wanted a fighting chance in this ordeal , I'd need to learn all the ins and outs of this company. So what if I was being a little harsh and cold towards them ? I had zero room for error and even less for distractions if I wanted to make my mark. I was not going to sit around and be the 'cute little housewife ' they all expected me to be , I was going to work my butt off and take over this company even if it was the last thing I'd ever do. I didn't spend countless nights slaving away at my desk JUST to graduate business and Economics with honours , and NOT use them.  If they thought I was going to be a sitting duck , they had another thing coming.


4 cups of coffee and 7 stacks of paper later  I was finally calling it a day and made my way out of the office.

The house was quiet , dark. Did I really work that late ? Glancing at my watch I saw the green light reading 01:22 illuminating the dark corners of the house. I really DID work this late , but it hardly felt as if I was working for 5 hours...

Walking over to the kitchen,  with the flick of the light switch my eyes landed on the plate of food on the counter and the note next to it. Eyeing the plate of green beans , mashed potatoes and chicken I reach over and unfolded the brightly coloured piece of paper.

Tried to wait up for you but it got too late. Here's dinner , hope today was worth it.


Was he ... mad at me ?

No way , he can't be .


Of course he's mad at you ! Didn't you see what he wrote ; hope today was worth it !? You done messed up again Olivia!  My inner voice yelled at me , making my head pound and my guilt come to surface. I so badly wanted to yell back at that annoying inner voice and say ; well it was YOUR bosslady instincts that took over today and like always , STEPPED OVER EVERYONE TO GET TO THE TOP. But I knew that would just be an impossible battle between myself and the results would still be the same.

They would still be fuming mad at me the next morning.

Looking around the spotless kitchen - that was certainly not my work - made me think that maybe I was a little unnecessary today... I mean ,they didn't REALLY do anything to deserve the way I stepped all over them . I mean ,they even made me dinner for crying out loud! Even after I was a complete jerk to them.

I had to fix this ...

It's a little too late for that  my inner voice huffed at me.

Right. It's 2am .

Sitting down and eating my dinner , my brain started to process and think of ideas on how I could make it up to them , show them how sorry I was. Maybe even explain how my work drive just took over and all I wanted to do was get to the top,  not caring who I had to step on to get there.

It was crazy to have such a mindset , I know. But I was raised by Businessmen and Entrepreneurs what did you expect ?

I just had to figure out some way to silence my hunger for power -for now anyway - and fix this first. After that , I won't hesitate to break a couple of rules to get back to the top.

That's it. I wanted to go for a more bosslady kind of vibe , like Fallon from Dynasty or Lexa&Clarke from the 100. Did I manage to get that across ? I have no idea.  Only you can be the judge of that 😉 thank you so much for reading. Hope you enjoyed it. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves  🐺❤

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