Chapter 29 Cause two is better than one

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The week passed by sooner than expected. The guys insisted I worked less -to which I put up a good enough fight to let them agree to me working from home atleast once a week - so even with all this schedule reshuffling the week went by in a blink of an eye and it was already Thursday. The guys insisted on taking the afternoon off so both of them could go to the doctor's appointment with me , though I didn't know why they made such a big fuss over me JUST finding out how far along I was. But I didn't protest  since having them both by my side brought me a sense of comfort I couldn't quite explain. 

When we left the office early this morning,  I was immediately told to shower and freshen up - as if I was having tea with the queen or something - but I didn't turn down a hot bubble bath either. Both of them were getting ready in my bathroom while I just lied in the tub admiring the view of their muscles rippling with each movement they'd make - while Ethan styled his hair and Jacob buttoned his shirt - though my fantasy was cut short when they informed me that we were going to run late if I kept this up. So of course I had to oblige and get out of the tub. To which it was MY turn to remind them that we would be late if THEY kept that up.

Half an hour later we were all dressed and seated outside the doctors office , waiting for my name to be called. I was A LOT more nervous this time around than the last for some reason. And as if sensing my nerves both of them took one of my hands in theirs,  easing my discomfort almost immediately. Like their touch was magical or almost calming on me.

"Olivia Walker Smith?" -The lady with the clipboard called - while we stood up and followed her to the office. "The doctor will be here shortly. " she said with the kindest and biggest smile making me at ease and a little more comfortable.

"Olivia . It's so great to see you. Hope you're doing well? " The doctor kindly greeted me while she took a seat behind her desk.

"Uh yes . I'm doing great thank you doctor. "

"I'm happy to hear that. Any new symptoms ?"

"None that I can think of no. " I said , to which Ethan cleared his throat almost like calling me out on my lies.

"What my wife MEANT to say was , she's been a little dizzy when she gets up and morning sickness is still a frequent thing every morning. "

"I see." She said , writing all of this in her binder . "Well you can follow me over here while we check on you. You're welcome to join us too. " She said directed to the guys to which I knew they wouldn't need a second invitation to be by my side. I then proceeded to lie down on the medical table while I rolled up my shirt as she squirted some sticky cold gel on my belly. The room fell quiet when she started moving the wand around while we tried to squint our eyes in order to figure out what we were looking at . To me , it was all a grey blur and surely to the guys too since they knew even less than I did. But as soon as she started mumbling ' Ah ha ... ' - as if she found something - it was when our eyes met hers and panic started to set in.

"What is it Doc ?" Jacob asked panicked while he squeezed my hand tight.

"Is something wrong ?" Ethan chirped in while I started to get worried and hyperventilate.

"Calm down everyone - especially you Olivia - there's nothing to worry about. I just found the source of your morning sickness still being so high . " she said in a calming voice while I blew out a breath .

"Which is ?" Jacob proceeded to prod.

"Well let's get her cleaned up first then we can discuss all of this. " she said with a big smile while they helped me down from the table.

"Your vitals are all looking good - remember to take your prenatals - and it seems you're about ... a little over a week. 9 days I'd say . "

"But she's already looking a little different. Isn't that a little strange with her still being in such an early stage ?" Jacob tried to explain to her that I wasn't looking as slim as I usually did , but in a more cival and nicer way.

"Well that was what I was leading towards. You're jumping a little ahead of me there. " she said with a small giggle while WE were too nervous to even dare breathe.  Yet here she was,  keeping us on the line. "So the big news I discovered was , there were TWO heartbeats !" She said ecstatically while I swear MY heart , stopped.

"Does that mean the baby has ANOTHER heart !? " Ethan said in shock while Jacob hit him on his arm.

"No you dimwit , it means there's TWO babies ." He explained while it took him a hot minute to finally register in his brain .

"Well that's great Mi Amor!" He said placing kisses all over my face while Jacob shoved him a little to get him back down to earth. "Sorry about that. I... got a little excited. " he apologized while she only brushed him  off.

"Oh don't worry , happens all the time. "

"So what does this mean now? For me ? Does anything change or ..."

"Well , for the most part everything on your part will stay the same apart from your belly that's going to be growing at a rapid speed and twice the size of normal. You'll most likely be hungry a lot more often but other than that , everything stays the same for now. "

"Thank you so much. " I said with the biggest smile.

"It's my pleasure dear. Remember to schedule your next appointment at the front desk. Until then , try and relax as much as possible because once month 5 hits , that's all you'll wanna do. " she said with another warming smile while we walked out.

After scheduling our next appointment we were seated at the ice cream parlor across the street , celebrating that our addition turned into additions. 

"I can't believe there's TWO in there ! How crazy is that !?" Jacob said , placing his hand on my abdomen. A foreign feeling I'd have to get used to I guess...

"Me too ! It's like ... like , two for the price of one ! "

"Really Ethan ? You're comparing ME having to split myself in three ways to a Sale ?" I said in a bland tone while I watched him worry and squirm for a bit before bursting out in laughter along with Jacob .

"You should really stop doing that. I can never tell when you're being serious anymore. " he said , folding his arms across his chest acting to be upset though we knew him too well by now. He just wanted attention. That's all.

"Oh come on Ethan. Don't be all gwumpy ." I said in a mocking , childlike tone making him smile.

"Well how can I be when you're sounding like a toddler who can't even properly pronounce their R's yet ?" He said , bursting out laughing.

"Well I thought it to be pretty effective. Thank you very much. " I huffed , sticking my nose in the air while peaking at him from the side of my eye "see ! I got you laughing! I love it when you laugh ..." I said on a more sweet note . Admiring the dimple that formed on his left cheek when he smiled and how his mouth curved upward. It was nice to see him smile. He had a great smile...

"Uh... thanks babe. " he said,  dropping his smile and scratching the back of his neck nervously.  He was obviously never complimented on it or complimented in general. That made me sad . And that's when I decided to make not only Ethan , but Jacob to ALWAYS feel loved and special around me. No one would ever have to hide their true selves when it was just the three of us. That much,  I was going to make sure of.

What did you think!? Twins !? What !?!?!?! Who's do you think it is ? Any guesses to what the genders will be ? Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time , keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

// updates every Thursday//

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