Chapter 13 Close or Crazy?

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It was dead silent when we stepped foot into the door. I was half expecting Jacob to wait up for us like a strict father but then again , this had nothing to do with him so why would he bother ?

Closing the door behind me, I flicked on the kitchen light -starting to make us some hot chocolate before bed - while Ethan took a seat at the counter , watching me move around the kitchen.

"Sugar ?" I said casually, almost as if what just happend between us NEVER even happend.

"Um yeah. Two please. " he replied, going back to  whatever he was busy with on his phone.

It was kind of weird how we couldn't keep our hands off of eachother only a few minutes ago  , and now we were back to being strangers living under one roof again. There was just something about this house that casted this depressive cloud over us that we couldn't seem to be ourselves around here. But as soon as I thought it , I knew what the REAL problem was.

It wasn't the house or the fact that we were all forced to get married. No, this lied deeper.

It was between Jacob and Ethan.

"You know, you should really try and get along with Jacob if you want this to work out." I said, handing him his cup.

"I don't want to talk about this ." He grumbled as I burshed it off .

"I know. I just mean since he probably feels the same way as you do , and we're getting along now ... wouldn't it benefit everyone if the two of you could ATLEAST get along ?"

"You're starting to sound just like your father. " he said with a smug look , knowing full well I hated being compared to him.

"You take that back !" I said, playfully hitting him on his arm.

"Or what? " he taunted me .

"Or ... or I'll ... " I struggled thinking on my feet on a plausible threat. And that's when it hit me. "Or I'll hate you again. "

"Oh please, we both know you can't give up all of this." he said smugly, pointing at himself.

"Try me." I challenged , watching him move closer to me.

"Okay. Try and resist then." He said , placing his hand on my knee . I didn't flinch, just tried to ignore it. Then he started tracing his finger up to my thigh as I looked away , starting to feel the effect he had on me. Next he brushed my hair to the side, placing ONE kiss in the nape of my neck as I stiffened by the foreign touch , feeling him smirk - thinking he was winning - And then he turned me towards him - facing him - as he simultaneously stroked my leg and placed butterfly kisses in my neck. I was starting to feel myself losing control, not being able to fight against him anymore. I was starting to slip into bliss and losing this game. I was so close to giving in and admitting defeat.

"Eew get a room. We eat off of that table. " Jacob's voice was heard, snapping me back to my sense as I pulled myself away from him.

"See. I told you I could do it. " I said , getting up .

"Yeah that's only because we got interrupted. You we're so close and you know it." He said as I rolled my eyes at him - not admitting anything - while I made my way upstairs.

I woke up with this unexplainable chirpyness , feeling immensely different. Sure not much like myself. Was I getting sick ? Was it the weather maybe?  Those were the explanations that I thought brought me comfort, not wanting to face the music about why I was REALLY  feeling this happy.

Getting up and dressed , I made my way downstairs, hearing the hushed conversation between Jacob and Ethan. I know I didn't USUALLY eavesdropped,  but if those two had something to say to eachother - other than insults - I had to listen in. 

"I agree. " Jacob said.

Agree ? Agree with what? 

"So it's settled then ? " Ethan questioned, making me move closer so I could have a better look.

"Yeah. If it meant we had to get along inorder for her to NOT hate us both , I'll do it. I'll do anything to see her smile. " Jacob said,  making a smile appear on my face. They were making amends.

"You don't have to tell me about it. I mean have you seen her in that tight little red dress of hers. It shows off every , intriquite,  little deta-"

"Okay. How long have you known I was standing there? " I said , knowing full well Ethan was playing me.

"Mi amor , we heard you come down the stairs. You're not the most light walker. " Ethan said,  while I walked closer to the two of them , both displaying a cocky smirk. 

"Whatever. " I said playfully,  pulling up a chair across from them. "So what were you talking about ?"

"I think you already know Olivia." Jacob said , placing his mug in the sink. 

"Well I wanna hear you say it ." I stated, trying to act like I DIDN'T just hear their conversation -  although I knew full well they knew I did. -

"We agreed to be more ..."

"Civil. " Ethan , finished Jacob's sentence. I already knew they wouldn't agree to 'get along ' or even dare to use the term 'friends' , but being civil was as good as it was going to get with these two stubborn, egotistical men.

"Cool." I said , getting up and pouring myself a glass of juice.

"Cool ? That's all you have to say ? We basically agreed NOT to kill eachother for your sake and you're just saying 'cool' ?" Ethan said , getting slightly worked up by my nonchalant behaviour. But I didn't care , they didn't need to know how much this agreement REALLY meant to me.

"I know." I said with a smug look , walking past them.

Making my way to the living room , I could hear Ethan huff in frustration and say - with a hint of amusement in his voice - "that girl drives me crazy." Making a smile play on my lips , I had them exactly where I wanted them.

Wrapped , around , my little , finger.

Just like it's supposed to be.

This one took me a while to finish. I Had no idea how I wanted to end this one . But somehow I managed to anyway. Who knows ? Any hoo ! I hope you enjoyed it,  thank you so much for reading. Like always remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below.  Until next time,  keep howling my wolves  ❤🐺

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