Chapter 24 And I oop -

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*recap *

"Fine. Let's just get this over with." I said standing up while they followed me upstairs.

*end of recap *

It was the strangest experience of my life having to take that thing out of the box and peeing on it. And I thought having them both share a bed would be the strangest thing I'd have to do this week. Guess not.

Opening the bathroom door - seeing Jacob pace around the room like usual, and Ethan calmly lying on my bed - I looked down at the thing buffering in my hand , holding our entire future in it's small little case.

"And ?" Jacob said first , approaching me.

"Still buffering." I said sitting on the bed next to Ethan while Jacob continued pacing.

"What do we do if it's postive?  Do we like go for a paternity test or wait until it's born?  Would we have to figure out how to -"

"We'll get there when we get there. Chill out bro. You're making her more nervous. " Ethan said sitting up now.

"Sorry ." Jacob said apologetic while calming down a bit. I took both of their hands in mine - laying the test down on the bed - while I squeezed both of their hands tight.

"Whatever it says , we'll be okay " Ethan said for the first time sounding caring about this whole situation .

And there it was. Staring right back at us . The answer that's been nipping at my brain for the last 2 days.

"Can you take another ?" Jacob said disappointed while I nod my head,  getting the other one - I had done just incase-  from the bathroom.

"Says the same." I said while sitting down again and staring at TWO positive tests.

"So what do you two have to say for yourselves now ?" I said , trying to lighten the mood a bit .

"Um...oops ?" Ethan said with a cheeky grin.

"Are you fricking kidding me !? That's what you say ?" I said grabbing a pillow and playfully hitting him while we both burst out laughing. I wasn't as mad anymore. There wasn't anything I could do about this or to change the past so why be angry at them?  What's done is done. Might as well enjoy the ride.

"Okay! Okay! " he said with a chuckle , showing his hands in surrender while his smile spread all the way up to his ears. "Congrats Mi Amor. I love you so much !" He said before placing peppering kisses all over my face while I giggled and squirmed under the tickling feeling .

"I love you guys too." I said turning to Jacob seeing him look all sad ... and disappointed? "Jake ? What's up ? I thought you were happy before? " I said confused.

"I was - I am. It's just... we both know this wasn't something you were ready for yet. But still we managed to screw that up for you. I'm sorry..."

"Hey , hey , look at me ." I said lifting his head up "yeah this wasn't something I've had in my '5 year plan' but neither was marrying BOTH of you. But look how great that turned out. So don't sweat the small stuff. I realized that this wasn't something I can change nor turn back the clock , it's here now and I'm okay with it. No use in dwelling over it. So buckle up and enjoy this crazy ride." I said playfully shoving him, getting a smile from him in return.

"I love you Liv. A lot." He said, placing a peck on my lips and giving me a hug. He wasn't as happy and affectionate as Ethan but I guess he maybe just needed more time to process this than him. And that was okay. It'll probably hit me later too.

"Look guys , I'm sorry about yesterday. " It was high time I took responsibility for my actions . I mean , since I AM becoming a mother now I might as well do some growing up too.

"It's fine. Just let it go ." Jacob said nonchalant , trying to sweep the issue under the rug.

"No , it's not . I have to start taking responsibility for my actions and that's what I'm doing. I know it was wrong of me to stay out that late and then blowing up at you. So I'm sorry. "

"No I'm sorry. It was wrong of me to go off on you like that and accusing you . I was a jerk and I shouldn't have been. I just love you so much Olivia,  I never want anything to happen to you. " Ethan said before pulling me into a hug.

"What ? This time I didn't do anything wrong." Jacob said while Ethan and I looked at him questionably as if he had anything to add. But I guess... this time he really WAS in the clear. Sort of.

"Okay then. Um , I think I deserve a big slice of chocolate cake. " I said triumphant getting up.

"For what,  peeing on a stick? " Ethan said with a chuckle while Jacob joined him.

"No. For having to carry one of your Knuckleheads' kid . " I said before walking out hearing them continue with a fit of laughter before saying ' that's fair ' and then laughing again. I swear , they were the biggest weirdos out there and now they were passing that on to another human being ? What could go wrong ?

I know it's so much shorter than usual but I recently started an internship at a Preschool for the month to gain college credits so my inspo is a little bleh and my head is a LOT tired 😂 so making due with what I can. Hope you all enjoyed this anyway. What were your thoughts on the pregnancy!? Too predictable!  Idk ... thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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