Chapter 22 Shut up !

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When I woke up the second time this morning I already felt A LOT better . Their absence and the cold feeling in the bed lead me to think they had left a while ago. But then again it was already 11 so of course they wouldn't still be lounging around in bed like me.

Deciding I've been lazy enough for one day,  I got up and took another shower before going downstairs and making them some coffee. Knowing them , they've probably been up not long after I fell asleep this morning and went to work. I swear they never took a break anymore ! Pushing Jacob's door open first I was surprised to see both of them huddled around the table intently  discussing something. 

"Liv ? Go back to bed honey. You didn't have to make us anything . We got this." Jacob said while taking the mugs from me.

"Yeah Amor , Jacob's right. Go back to bed. " Ethan said trying to direct me back out.

"Guys , I'm fine. Did you really think a silly stomach bug was going to get me down ? " I said while they both mimicked the same look reading ; duh ! " well it's not. I've been through worse. Besides! I'm feeling much better now." I said with a smile trying to show them that I was ACTUALLY meaning what I was saying.

"Fine. But you're not working are we clear ?"

"But Jake..." I complained while they both only gave me a stern look like an angry parent would , showing that they were serious. "Fine ! But just so you know , I'm not happy about this."  I huffed while Ethan pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my head .

"That's our girl." He said while I smiled into his touch. 

I sat on their couch for hours doing absolutely NOTHING - since I wasn't aloud to - while they were actively discussing our next meeting with another corporate big head - to which I wasn't aloud to give ANY input in - like come on ! I'm sick not dead ! I was bored out of my mind and could really go for some girl time. I missed Kira and the skatepark A LOT. Since getting married and taking over the company I haven't had enough time to hang out anymore and let me just say ; spending 24/7 with guys , ONLY guys wasn't as all sunshine and roses it was made out to seem. I missed just being a teenager and goofing off with my friends - even if I didn't have that many - but today was as good as excuse as any.

"Guys ?" I said grabbing their attention. "Since you don't want my working or ... doing anything really. Would you mind if I met up with one of my friends ?"

"That depends , is this FRIEND a guy or a girl ?" Ethan asked , his possessive side starting to shine through again.

"Chill Ethan. It's a girl. It's Kira. I've known her basically my whole life. "

"Okay ... but only if you text us every now and again to let us know you're okay." He said still a little on the fence but I took this opportunity anyway.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I said excited,  jumping up and giving them each a kiss before rushing upstairs to change while they continued with their work.

Half an hour later I was dressed in my shorts and tank again - feeling slightly odd since it's been forever since I've worn this - with my board tucked under my arm.

"Princess!? Is that you!?" Kira said , rushing over to me and pulling me into a bone crushing hug. Let me just tell you , Kira wasn't one for emotions or physical touch like this so her hugging me must've meant she'd  missed me just as much as I missed her.

"In the flesh." I said with a giggle .

"So where'd you been ?"

"Got hitched. "

"You're kidding right !? Don't tell me your pops forced you into that marriage anyway ? " she said surprised while I just nod my head. "Who did they pick ? "

"Believe it or not,  both. " I said shrugging my shoulders .

"Shut up ! You serious!?" She said shocked and a little disgusted.

"Unfortunately,  I am. "

"So you got some messed up twin hubby thing going on ? The type you read about in all that werewolf books of yours when we were growing up ?"

"Yup. Only thing is , they aren't twins. Totally not related and different families. "

"Shut up !" She said again , still not believing that this was my life now. To be honest,  I still couldn't believe it either. It was crazy.

"And do you like ... you know , with them? " she whisperd a little closer to me , knowing how awkward I used to get over guys.

"Well what do you think?" I said with a giggle.

"And who's like the -"

"Kira ! I'm not telling you that!" I playfully scolded her "now I didn't come here to talk about my crazy life , I came here to skate ." I said before flipping my board and skating towards the ramps.

"Hey princess ! Wait up !" She said before following behind me.

After the sun started to set I knew I had to get back home before they started to worry. No matter how much fun I was having and enjoying letting loose , I knew I couldn't forget the fact that I had a responsibility now.

"You really have to go ?" 

"Yeah... I'm sorry Kira . Responsibilities " I shrugged , picking my board back up.

"Screw responsibilities.  You're a kid ! Be one ! "

"I did. Today . Remember? " I said a little sad that I only had today to be well... me again. Tomorrow it was back to paper work and marriage. It kind of sucked if you thought about it , having to give up this part of me...

"Well that sucks !"

"Tell me about it." I mumbled " but you can call me or stop by whenever you want. " I said giving her a hug and putting my new number and address into her phone.

"Believe me I will. You'll be so sick of me ." She said with a sad smile , I knew this was just as hard on her as it was on me. She was one of my best friends , my only friend really. We've been through more than you'd imagine. That's why I loved our friendship so much.

"I could never be sick of you."  I said sadly while giving her a last hug before heading back home to my 'life'

"I love you Chica." She said in that beautiful Latina accent of her that I loved so much.

"Love you too."  I said before walking back home. It was hard not to turn back around and staying. But I knew the moment I turned back around and saw her face,  I would never be able to leave again. And that was the hardest part...

I want a bestfriend like this ! 😭 anyone else!? What did you think ? I thought she could use some girl time for a change so this chapter was born ! 😂 thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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