Chapter 15 Last night

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I woke up in the arms of Ethan -being slightly confused and a little embarrassed that my sad written state begged him to stay last night, not that I minded it - I tilted my head up , hearing his soft snores fill my room - almost making a giggle escape my lips - and just by that tiny squeal I was met with his icy blue eyes staring down at me , making my cheeks heat up and my body scoot out of his hold.

"Um , thanks. " I said , clearing my throat and sitting up "and sorry about last night. I didn't mean to be a baby "

"It's fine. Besides, I actually enjoyed staying in your bed last night. We should do it more often." He said with a smirk as if we actually did anything - though he knew full well we didn't -

"Yeah um ... let's save that for another day okay ?" I said flustered and getting up. Why am I having such a hard time admitting that I actually enjoyed letting him hold me last night ?

"Sure. I didn't mind it " he said,  getting up and grabbing his shoes.

"And about my dad last ni-"

"It's fine. We don't have to talk about it. " he said , obviously trying to spare me those dark feelings.

"I know,  but I have to tell you so you won't think I'm weak or incapable to run this company like my dad thinks I am. "

"Olivia , you're anything BUT weak. " was all he said before he left without another word .

It was times like these where I didn't quite know WHERE to place Ethan . He could be so sweet and caring the one minute and totally cold and distant the next. He was sometimes a hard nut to crack. But yet there was  something intriguing about the mystery he carried around with him ...

"Morning. " I said to Jacob - whom was sitting quietly reading a business article - while I made myself some coffee.

"Hey ! You feel any better?"

"Yeah ... you can say that. I mean , it's no use dwelling on something  right? "

"True. But you can't keep it all in either. " he said carefully , as if I was fragile porcelain about to break.

"I know." I said , taking a seat across from him.

"How was ... um ... Ethan? " he said awkwardly, almost making my cheeks heat up again by what he was insinuating .

"If you want tips on how to do it , just ask bro ." A cockey Ethan said walking in .

"You're so funny. " I said , addressing Ethan . "Nothing happened last night. " I said , addressing Jacob this time.

"Yeah , not last night . But soon." He said teasingly , doing that weird eyebrow dance that he does. I just rolled my eyes at his suggestion as they carried on talking business.

It was weird that this was my new normal now. That this would be what I someday will call home . Not just this place but them .

Seeing them so engrossed in the conversation with eachother,  looking and talking all serious and professional like, made something inside me click. Like a switch being switched on . No , not in that way .

But more like; seeing them interact with eachother and simply just the way they carried themselves out,  made me believe that maybe,  maybe I could be starting to fall for them. The both of them.

I mean,  was it even considered weird to like two people at the same time ?

Not like in a cheating way but in a ' I was forced to marry two guys at the same time and I think I kind of like them both' kind of way. 

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