Chapter 38 Home

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As the babies' bellies started getting fuller and their eyes to droop, we feel into a comfortable silence, watching our babies sleep soundly.

Ethan - now awake as well - soon joined Jacob and I's side while we watched the babies blow out small breaths. It was like we were scared that they weren't real and that at any given second we took our eyes off of them they would disappear as figments of our imagination. 

"How are everyone doing in here ?" Our doctor said , coming in with a bright smile.

"Good. Thank you doctor. "

"Any problems? "

"Not yet. I had a little trouble latching but after I got the hang of it , it wasn't that bad." I said gazing over at them again with a smile.

"I've got the results you requested. I thought you would probably want to receive it privately." He said,  handing me the brown envelope.

"Thank you doctor. "

"No problem. Call if you need anything or have any type of pain or discomfort. " he said with a smile before walking out.

The three of us eyed the brown envelope with anticipation, not knowing what truth lied inside it. But knowing that whatever the outcome was , we were going to face it together. I took each of their hands in mine , looking at them while their eyes each bounced between the babies and mine. I could tell both of them were nervous. Even Ethan wasn't as confident he made out to be when I was pregnant. Each of them were praying to have a part in those little babies' lives and who could blame them ? If I wasn't the mother and didn't ALREADY have a part of them anyway,  I would feel pretty anxious to miss out on those precious little babies' lives too.

"No matter what it says in here , they're going to be raised equally. They are both equally Ethan's as it is Jacob's. DNA are just technicalities that make them up. Their OUR sons and no one needs to know who the father is except the three of us , and them when ever they ask to know. Okay? "

"Okay." Both of them said , squeezing my hands before letting go and letting me read the contents of the envelope. 

"So ?" Jacob asked first.

"What does it say ?" Ethan pushed,  trying to read over my shoulder though I doubt that he could see anything.

"That's so weird..." I trailed off amazed.

"What is it ? Is there something wrong with them ?" Ethan said impatiently while I tried to read further.

"No ,no ,nothing's wrong . " I reassured him, waving him off with my hand while I continued reading.

"Well what is it ? Tell us already. You can't keep us hanging like this Olivia ." Jacob said , equally as frustrated at my lack of elaborating. 

"It's seems that one of each is yours ?"

"How's that possible ?" Ethan said, snatching the paper from my hand and skimming through it himself.

"It seems that there were two different sperms - one of each of you - that fertilized an egg that already split. "

"W- what does that mean ? Dumb it down to us non geniuses. " Jacob said , scratching the back of his neck thinking.

"It means ,remember the night you made me my favorite dinner to apologize?  After leaving me with your hungover asses at the restaurant ?" I clarified, making them nod along that they recalled what I was talking about . "And then we..." I trailed off as they finally caught on to what I was saying.

"Yeah. It seems one of my eggs had already split after the first one was fertilized so it would've been twins either way. But since they were so close together the other half wasn't fertilized with the same person's but of the other ." I tried explaining it as best I could.

"So  what you're saying is... one of them is mine ?" Jacob said.

"And one is mine ?" Ethan finished his thought.

"It would seem so ." I said , just as surprised as they were.

"So which one's which? " Ethan said enthusiastic while I raised my brow at him. "Of course it doesn't matter but ... you know . That's why we did this tests right?"

"Right. So, it says that Baby B - That's Malcolm is ... Jacob's and -"

"That Daxton is mine." Ethan said with a smile , looking over at a sleeping Daxton's form.

"Exactly. But remember this doesn't change anything. Please. Don't separate and raise them according to their bloodlines. Let's make a difference this time around. I need you guys to promise me that PLEASE." I pleaded.

"I promise." They said at the exact same time while I blew out a sigh of relief.

The next morning I was cleared to go. Normally they would've held us longer but with the shortage of beds in the Mother's wards and the babies being in perfect health,  they signed us out.

It was good being back in the comfort of our own home , in my own bed again.  It made everything ten times more easier and relaxing.

"It's so good to be back here." I said ,inhaling that sweet smell of the cinnamon candle the room always reeked of from my nightly readings. To me , that smelled like home.

"You're telling me. Hospital  couches are NOT that comfortable they make it out to be on tv." Ethan said,  stretching out on the bed like a cat that just woke up from a nap.

"Well , then it's a good thing we're home now." Jacob said , changing the babies from the carriers to their bassinets.

After that I took advantage of them sleeping by starting to unpack and clean up a bit when a very loud knock sounded from the front door.

"I got it !" Jacob yelled from the kitchen,  while my father's distressed voice followed next.

"Where is she !? Where is my daughter !? I NEED to see my daughter. " he said with panic underlining his voice while I rushed - as best I could - down stairs.

"Dad , what's wrong ?" I said right before he pulled me into an unexpected hug.

"I thought you were gone." He said through tears. And for aslong as I've known my dad , I've NEVER seen him cry before. "When I went by the hospital this morning to see you they said you were gone. My thoughts started running wild and I thought you died my baby. I'm so happy you're okay. I thought I lost you." He said while the guys escorted themselves out and I comforted my father.

"I'm right here. I'm fine dad." I said while he started to calm down a bit more.  "You wanna come into the kitchen with me and drink something? " I said while he nod and placed himself at the counter while I made the coffee.

"Your mother didn't mention you were coming home today. "

"I wasn't supposed to. But they had a shortage on beds in the Mother's wards so , here I am. " I said with a smile , handing him his mug right before the babies sweet cries echoed through the baby monitors.

"Are those my grandsons ?"

"Yeah, wanna go meet them ?" I said while my dad's smile widened with each step we took upstairs.

And I'm gonna end it here. As much as it pains me to say... I only have a few more chapters left until the end 😢that makes me so sad ! But all good things must come to an end am I right ? Well, I hope you enjoyed it.
What were your thoughts on the babies being one of each ? I know I probably explained it wrong - I stink at medically explaining stuff - but I hope I got the idea across alright.

Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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