Chapter 26 Uncomfortable

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"And did you REALLY have to get me an appointment today? We've literally JUST talked about it over breakfast and now I'm already having to get ready for it ?" I said while stepping out of the shower seeing them waiting for me in my room.

"Well , it was either today or in two weeks."

"I pick two weeks thank you very much."

" Olivia , you know that we would've gotten you there one way or another so why fight it? " Jacob said , making his way around to me.

"Cause NOW , I had to face all THREE of our mother's burning questions and concerns. ' oh Olivia , how are you feeling ?' ' oh Olivia what do you think about it ?' ' oh Olivia ISN'T THIS FRICKING GREAT !? ' " I said aggravated, already regretting the thousands of questions that was heading my way in t-minus 2 hours.

"Good , yes and yes."

"What ?" I asked , scrunching my face up in confusion .

"The answers to their questions. Look , you just have to be yourself. And if they're being overbearing we'll just leave or make up some excuse. Just say the word. "

"I don't want to go." I said blandly.

"Nice try. But you're still going. " Ethan said , walking over to us. And here I thought he was on MY side. Guess not.

"Oh fine! But just so you know , after this you're not bullying me into anything else."

"We'll see about that princess. " he said with a wink , hitting me on the bum before walking out.

"Oooo he's so -"

"Don't act like you didn't like it !" He yelled from downstairs while I couldn't help but smile.

It's true though.

"Okay Rudolph, get dressed . We leave in 15." Jacob said - addressing my blushing state openly - before walking out too.

I decided to dress nice - since we were meeting up with ALL the family - but also comfortable, I wasn't going to some fancy dinner so why burden myself with heels ? Instead ,I dressed in a cute sundress - since Jacob said wearing my Romper wouldn't be practical - and some cute sandles. It was cute , looking like I put a lot of thought into it but also very simple and comfy.

"Olivia?" Jacob called from downstairs while I grabbed my phone from my dresser and ran down stairs.

"I'm here ! I'm ready." I said out of breath.

"You know what we told you about the stairs Liv."

"Yeah, yeah I know. I was just in a hurry. Now can we go please? " I said while Ethan and Jacob just eyed me disapprovingly but thankfully not saying a word. The ride to the doctor's office was very tense and you could practically feel my anxiety laying heavy in the air. The same went for the appointment. I was a nervous wreck while they were seemingly less nervous than I thought they'd be. They basically just sat at the doctor's desk while she drew some blood , ran some tests and basically confirmed what we already knew. That I was pregnant. It was too soon to tell anything else yet , but next week we would know more .

I would've thought they would be so overbearing and protective, not letting me out of their sites. But I guess having a woman as my doctor eased their minds a bit - That's only after they requested that a woman be my doctor and not the male one they assigned me to - but that was beside the point. After I was good to go and got my list of do's and don'ts , we were back in that miserable atmosphere in the car heading to my parents' place.

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