Chapter 11 You only get ONE

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I've thought about spending the rest of my days in my room , by myself. But that would just give them the satisfaction that they had won,  that they have broken me. So I knew better than to sit and lick my wounds all day.  So what if I started to 'like' them ? It didn't mean I loved them,  simply that I just didn't hate being around them. They were... tolerable. 

Putting my hair up in a bun , I made my way downstairs. Today was Saturday,  which meant no one was working and that this would be the first day that we would spend together the whole day. Walking into the kitchen I was surprised to see them both alive and together drinking coffee in peace. But I didn't pay any attention to it , just held my head high and grabbed a mug from the cupboard.

"Olivia,  you're up. I really just want to apologize for yester-"

"Save it Jacob. It's over. I've moved on and so should you." The words I was saying sounded hostile and cold , but the tone I used to say them was one of defeat. I really meant it when I said I've moved on. These last 3 days have been an absolute pain to me and I was too glad to let it go and move on , it did no one any good living in the past.


"I said , I moved on . So let it go now Jacob."

"Yeah man , take a hint. " Ethan spoke up as I fixed my gaze at him this time.

"And you,  I wouldn't mind an apology for your behaviour yesterday. "

"Mine ?" He said in disbelief "he kissed you too . Why should I be the one to apologize?  What's fair is fair. " he said,  crossing his arms across his chest like an upset toddler.

"Then it's settled. Apologies all around. Are we good ? Can we finally move on now?" I said,  watching them both nod their heads slowly. "Great. So today's the first day we're all together. What's the plan ?" I said,  sitting across from them.

"Plan?  What plan ? We're not five Olivia. " Ethan scoffed , taking a sip from his coffee.

"I know that Ethan . I just mean since we ARE all in this together now , might as well make the most of it . Right ?"

"That's actually not a bad idea." Jacob voiced as Ethan mumbled "kiss up." Under his breathe, covered by a fake cough. He was so immature ...

"Do you have a better plan Ethan? " I said, my gaze burning into his now.

"Well , now that you mention it princess , I actually thought we could go to the beach. See what's REALLY going on under those baggie clothes. " he said giving me a smirk as I rolled my eyes at his childish games.

"Ethan." Jacob warned "aside from Ethan's terrible attempt at getting some , I actually think the beach would be a great idea. What do you say Olivia? "

"I guess so..."I said while Ethan and Jacob started  fist pumping "But -" I said , making them stop mid air "you are going to keep your hands and eyes to yourselves.  Understood ? " I watched as they lowered their arms like a puppy who's food got taken away. "Or I'm staying home ?" I said to which they both frantically shook their heads no .

They we're REALLY desperate.

"Cool. We leave in an hour. Get your stuff together. " I said , taking my coffee upstairs.

While rummaging through my new wardrobe it was hard to find something that wasn't TOO revealing. It just goes to show what my mother did to my wardrobe. I wouldn't say I was skinny and toned,  but I also wasn't big boned . I was more in the middle with an hour glass figure and moderate toning. I was actually pretty fond of my body,  which was also why I was going to keep it to myself. Grabbing a bright red one piece , I throw it in my bag along with an oversized Tee - as a cover up -  some sunscreen and a towl before slipping on my flip flops and heading down stairs.

How was I ready before them ? They literally JUST had to change into board shorts and grab a towl . What more did a guy need to do ?

"Come on guys !" I called up the stairs , seeing them both rush down not a second later.

The drive to the beach wasn't painfully long and we all made it there in one piece which I guess was a good sign. Getting there,  I went to the washroom to change while they set up our spot. Changing into my swimsuit , I was impressed that it still fit me - since I've had it since Junior year but never wore it - but also not forgetting the key object to my attire. My cover up.

Walking over to them , I see Ethan lying on his stomach tanning while Jacob set up the umbrella. Typical Ethan move.

"Need any help ?" I said,  placing my bag down next to theirs.

"No , I just about got it thanks. " Jacob said , just as the umbrella opened letting the shade cool us down from the sun's burning gaze.

"Anyone up for a swim ?" Jacob said,  taking off his shirt while I struggled to keep my gaze away from his toned body and up at his eyes, my mouth suddenly going dry unable to from any words. "Eyes and hands to yourself Olivia remember? " he said with a chuckle as I tried to cover up the fact that I was blushing with a cough.

"Nah I'm good right here." Ethan said , turning on his back and getting comfortable.

"Um , sure I'm down." I said , shakily taking my shirt off as I felt their gazes at my hands .

"On second thought , I could go for a swim." Ethan said , jumping up and throwing his shirt to the ground while Jacob and I shared a look , trying hard not to laugh at his so called 'sudden mind change'.

As Ethan threw his shirt to the ground it felt as if I was experiencing Deja vu , not being able to draw my gaze away from his toned abs - that were only slightly more toned than Jacob's - I didn't think it was possible for my mouth to get any drier and my cheeks to glow any brighter . But I  removed my gaze to the ground anyway  ,too afraid I'll be caught staring again.

"Hey Olivia ?" Ethan said , as I looked up at him again.

"Yeah ?"

"If you can beat me to the water you can stare all you want. But if I win ..." he trailed off as I stopped him. There was no way he was winning this , I was not only an honour student but pro athlete of my highschool track team.

"Not a chance. " I said as Jacob started counting us down.

"3, 2, -' and then I ran. He never said we had to go on one . Just whoever got there first.

"No fair! You cheated!" I heard Ethan yelling behind me as he got closer. But I had the upper hand. Only a few more steps to go. 

And then I was tackled into the shallow water as Ethan hovered over me with that stupid smirk of his. "I win , PRINCESS." He said , using that stupid nickname that I hated so much. And he knew it.

Getting off of me , I dusted the sand from my legs while facing him. "So , what do you want? " I said crossing my arms across my chest before realising what I was  ACTUALLY doing, before uncrossing  and letting them down next to my side again. 

"I want a date with you. A real one. Alone. Just the two of us. "

"Fat chance buddy." I said,  turning back to the water as he pulled me back by my wrist.

"It's the term of my win. So you have to do it. " he said with a sly smirk knowing full well he won this.

"Fine ! One date. That's all." I said before running into the water , feeling the waves splash against my legs.

"Be ready by 8 !" He yelled after me , soon joining my side along with Jacob. 

That's it ! Thoughts?  Theories? I have no idea how to feel about this one . But atleast now we know she's got something brewing with them both. Feelings maybe?  Thank you so much for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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