Chapter 35 Black out

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"Ah ..." I groaned in pain as another Braxton hick left my body,  making me sigh out in relief.

"You okay there  ?"  Jacob said , rubbing my back for me while I was hunched over on the exercise ball.

"I think so yeah." I said , sitting up.

"You want me to call the doctor? " Ethan suggested, coming into the living room too.

"Not yet. They're still too far apart." I said while rubbing small circles on my abdomen. 

"Are you sure cause you seem to be in a lot of pain ?"

"I'm okay. I've had period cramps worst than these." I said brushing them off.

"If you say so love. " Jacob said, giving me a comforting hug.

"So what's on the agenda for today? " I said turning to them.

"Besides relaxing? Nothing for you , sorry baby."

"But Ethan ... I'm so tired of just sitting around. I want to do something. I NEED to do something." I said , seeing the expression on his face . "Something work related. " I added blandly while I watched his face fall.

"Are you sure you're up for it ?" Jacob suggested carefully knowing I'd do ANYTHING to keep my mind busy at this stage and away from all the concerns running through my head.

"Positive." I said while they gave eachother a confirming nod.

"Fine. But you're only doing the signing off on the deals. Nothing more. Do you understand? "

"Yes. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you !" I said ecstatic that for once in the last 8 months I could do something a little more important and other than worrying about myself.

An hour in and I was starting to feel a lot better. I don't know if it was me working and feeling like I was accomplishing something or the fact that I got to spend the whole day with them , but I haven't felt this good in a LONG time. It was like I was the me I was before I got married,  pregnant and all the other stuff that changed my life happend. And it felt really good.

"Do you want another cup of tea ?"

"Uh... yeah . Thanks." I said , handing my cup over to Jacob while continuing to read over all the business transactions before signing off on it.

"You know, it's been really nice having you here all day." Ethan said , placing the file- he was busy with - down and looking over at me.

"Yeah,it's been kind of nice for me too. It's like for once I feel accomplished and NOT completely useless. "

"You're not useless Olivia. " he said while I raised my brow in disbelief that he actually believed the words that just left his mouth. "Okay , maybe recently BUT you've never been useless before?  I mean look at you , you helping JUST signing off on those helped us a TON and saved us like... 6 hours of work . So you're not all that useless you make out to be."

"Thanks." I said with a smile while Jacob handed me my cup again - to which I sipped gratefully-  as the taste illuminated and took over my tingling tastebuds .

"You know , you could've asked for more money on this one right? " I said , showing them the paper.

"Yeah I know . But it's not like we NEED those extra money , it's not even that much. So why not throw the Henderson's a bone ?"

"I guess..." I trailed off going through the stack some more. Yet I still couldn't let it go.

"Maybe you're right. Maybe it's time we make a change in our company. I mean our parents ran it to make money not to be successful. What if we did it our way?  And NOT just for the money? " I said making them look up . There was a moment of silence where I held my breath as they thought it through before they spoke up again.

"Yeah... I think you're right. But we'll have to start on that next year since this year is pretty much set out already. " Ethan said , turning back to his computer while a pain indescribable rippled through my body and small tricklets ran down the side of my leg.

"Uh ... guys ? I think it's time. " I said while they didn't one bother to even look up.

"Yeah we know that honey. But I mean there's only 2 more months left in the year so what difference would it make? We can draw up a nice new business plan and do it right. Together. " Jacob said while I fought the urge to throw them with my cup .

"No you dimwits ! It's time ! Take me to the damn hospital !" I said and believe me when I say ; I've never seen them jump up THAT fast before.  In a flash movement both of them where crouched down at my feet examining the situation.

"Okay, okay um... are you in any kind pain ?"

"Not at the moment but you soon will be if you keep asking me stupid questions instead of HELPING ME UP !" I said , making Ethan flinch while Jacob tucked his arm around me and helping me to my feet. He was the only calm one really. Not exactly  what I expected from him. But I didn't have time to split hairs over it.

"You good baby ?" Jacob said while I buckled myself in and started to calm down a little more .

"I think so . Thanks. "

"No problem. We're going to get you all better soon. " he said , placing a kiss to my temple before walking over to the driver's side. Ethan,  for some reason was beside himself. He couldn't even remember how to drive for goodness sake ! I mean seriously,  this was NOT how I thought this was going to go down.

Atleast on the brighter side he was good for one thing during our ride to the hospital. Sending out group messages to all of our parents to meet us there. So I let it slide since I couldn't think of anything other than my body being practically torn apart from the inside!

I sighed a sigh of relief when we pulled up into the hospital parking lot while they helped me inside. After that everything was kind of a blur as I heard Jacob's muffled voice in the backgroud saying ; " my wife's gone into labour and she's having twins." And Ethan asking me if I was okay only moments before I blacked out.

What!?!?!? What did you think? Was this too predictable? I don't know but I'm kind of busy through the week so during the weekend's the only time I get to write. So I hope you all enjoy it ! Thank you so much for reading and remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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