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"It's not a big deal." Ethan said while I shot a glare his way. "So we shared a room and drank a little. So what! We can do what we want since we're ' legally' married." He said,  putting quotation marks around legally.

"We're not ' legally ' married Ethan. We're fricking LEGALLY married ! " I said , getting annoyed by how nonchalant he was being.

"Calm down Olivia , it's not that bad if you think about it." Jacob said , placing his hand on my shoulder as I continued to shrug it off.

"Yeah, chill out it's not like anything REALLY happend." Ethan said , making me so close to knocking the daylights out of him.

He was working on my last nerve being so chilled about this.

But then again , he's a guy. So what would he know about the ' rumours ' and the trouble I could get myself into just by being seen with them. They might as well stick a label on my forehead while they're at it because I'll get one either way after last night.

Walking up to the large doors entering my dad's building , I couldn't help but take in a sharp breath. I had no idea what was waiting for me on the other side.

Lifting my shakey hand , I knock on his office door hearing a dominant 'enter' from the other side.

You can do this. Don't succumb to his threats.

Opening the door I was met with the surprised face of my father . Both of my presence and my tag- alongs.

"D-dad..." I said , immediately regret stumbling. Now he'll for sure take advantage of me being weak.

"Olivia! Darling ! Take a seat." He said welcoming,  making me look back at Ethan and Jacob with a confused yet curious look.

Taking a seat infront of my father's desk -with them on either side of me - we waited for someone to make the next move.

"So , how was the party ?" Dad said , breaking the silience.

"G-good." I said , clearing my throat before continuing as my usual, tough self. "Let's cut to the chase. I wasn't home last night,  obviously. So what is my punishment for it so I can get this over with. " I said in a bored tone while my father laughed. He LAUGHED ! My father never laughs, hardly ever smiles.

"Why are you laughing?  I just told you that I left your stupid party and spent the night with these two alone. Meaning not at home? " I tried to explain myself but the more I tried,  the harder my father laughed and the more frustrated I got. Why even bother ?

When my dad finally settled down again he said;  "yeah , I figured as much."

"Figured what !? What are you saying?" I said , growing annoyed that this conversation wasn't leading anywhere.

"We figured that the three of you would leave and go off on your own. You're married now , not dependant of us anymore. Meaning you don't need us . As simple as that.  So , tell me , did you treat my baby girl right ? Because I swear if you hurt her last night or put her in any kind of pai -"

"Okay first off , eew. That's gross. Just- just stop. " I said , trying to shake that imagine from my brain. "And secondly , nothing even happened. We passed out in a hotel room somewhere."

"I'm just saying that you're all adults now and that -"

"Dad , please just stop. " I said , trying to cleanse my mind of the things my father were saying. This was slightly more awkward than having 'the talk' .

I watched as my dad put his hands up in surrender while Ethan displayed a cocky smirk - probably loving this- and Jacob's cheeks displaying a slight tint of red.

"So , we arranged for your things to be moved into the Manor as soon as possible. They're probably unpacking everything as we speak." Dad said , sitting back in his chair.

"Manor ? What manor ?"

"The new Walker Smith manor of course. Consider it a ... wedding gift of sorts."

Great. Now I had to move in with these dimwits and see them EVERYDAY . Just great.

"I think we better get going then Mr Davis. " Jacob said , brushing his hands on his thighs and shaking my dad's hand . While Ethan did the same but not saying a word.

"You're just going to let me go ? With them !?" I said,  as Jacob tried to direct me to the door.

"Well why not Sweetie? They are your husbands after all. "

"Husbands!? They're strangers ! And you're letting me leave with them!" I was never one to plead with my father for ANYTHING . But this time, I was desperate .

"If you don't pick her up Jacob,  you'll never leave here. " dad said , turning his attention back to his work while I just stared at him with my mouth agape.

Was he really that happy to get rid of me ?

Unconsciously a tear started to form as I saw my dad continuing as if nothing about this was wrong.

A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and my legs - lifting me up bridal style - as the tear slipped from my eye and fell down my cheek like a soft drop of rain during the summer.
I was never one to cry , ever. So crying now just showed how hurt I really was by this. I always thought that deep down my father ATLEAST loved me . Even if it was in his own way...

When I looked into the eyes of my captor, I looked into the sympathetic eyes of Ethan. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought he could express any other emotion other than hate or anger. But maybe there was more to him than I thought...

Seeing me stare up at him , his eyes immediately shifted back to their previous hard and cold look. The look of carelessness.

Maybe he knew more about how I felt than I thought...

Subconsciously I buried myself deeper into his chest as the tears started to fall freely now. I didn't even care that I was being weak or vulnerable infront of them. I was a mess and all I wanted to do was cry . So I did.

I cried all the way from my dad's office to my new so called 'home'. Not once being taken out of Ethan's grasp.
It was weird seeing this side of him , the non douchy side. The side that showed he was still human and cared . I didn't mind this side of him , and I think that's probably why I stayed put and just let my tears fall freely.

No one dared to say a word while I was having my heart shattering moment . They just kept quiet and let me have this . I needed to have this moment of despair in order to be able to move forward.

And I think they knew that too...

That's it ! I know it's short but I didn't want to start the next day here and have to stop it mid chapter because it was getting too long. So Id rather start a  new chapter for that one. You'll thank me later 😉 remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves 🐺❤

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