Chapter 33 Any day now

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It was Monday and that meant the fun of the weekend was over and the guys were back to work while I was bored out of my mind at home. Surprisingly, Mrs Walker borrowed me one of her 'thousands ' of maids so that one could clean up after me while my 7 month pregnant self couldn't anymore. But I didn't complain . I kind of took a liking to Missy it was almost like I had a friend around the house. Since college started back up I couldn't see Kira as much either so Missy was pretty much all I had closest to a friend right now. And it brought me some sense of comfort knowing I wasn't alone in this big empty house all day when the guys were away.

"Missy ?" I called from the couch.

"Yes Ma'am?" She answered, running down the stairs.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Olivia ? Calling me ma'am makes me sound so old !" I said with a laugh while she apologized "it's fine , we're friends right. Anyway, could you please find my phone , I want to call the guys but I can't seem to remember where I placed it ..." I trailed off, looking around.

"It's on the coffee table right infront of you." She said with a giggle, handing it to me.

"Oh. Right. " I said embarrassed "guess I have baby brain already. "

"I guess so. May I be excused? "

"Oh yeah ! Of course!" I said while she scurried off to the kitchen.

It didn't take them long to pick up since the doctor said 9 months would be a stretch for me with my age , small figure and adding in the factor that I was having twins. So after I hit the 5 month mark they insisted that their Secretary forwarded all of my calls immediately to them regardless of who was in their office or what they were doing.

"Is it time!?" An anxious Jacob answered the phone while I just let out a small giggle , which he didn't find too amusing. Out of the three of us , I think Jacob was the most nervous but that was to be expected since he was the one with the most heart in him .

"No silly. I just wanted to know if the two of you could get off work early today ?"

"Sure but why? " Ethan spoke from the background. I was on speakerphone no doubt.

"Guys , I'm 7 months pregnant and could be due any day now yet we still haven't done a thing to their nursery. I need to go do shopping while I can still walk. "

"Hate to break it to you sweetheart , but you're long past that. Need I remind you , you can barely go to the bathroom alone." Ethan said, making me sigh into the phone. I knew he was right.

"Tell you what , why don't you shop everything online , have it delivered and we'll come home early and help you set it up ? Sound good ?" Jacob suggested.

"I guess..."

"Great! Love you sweetheart. " Jacob said. "Me too Amor !" Ethan shouted from the background.

"Love you..." I said before hanging up.

"Missy !" I called again , watching her run to me. Poor thing came running each time I called.

"Yes Maa- I mean ,Olivia ?"

"We've got some shopping to do !" I said excited taking my laptop out and ready for the real fun to begin .

And true to their word at exactly an hour later, both of them were home.

"Afternoon Mr Walker. Mr Smith. " Missy greeted them , taking their jackets and briefcases - you know , something I would usually do-

"Thank you Missy. You may be excused for the rest of the day. " Ethan said politely while she thanked him and went downstairs to her sleeping quarters. 

"Hi baby. You miss us ?" Ethan said first while Jacob made his way around the other side.

"Duh! Why'd you think I called?"  I said hitting him with the throw pillow after he gave me a kiss.

"Sounds to me your missing us is less love related and more hormonal. " Jacob joked while I rolled my eyes at his very offensive yet extremely accurate assumption.

"So did you enjoy your shopping ?" He said,  sitting next to me.

"Well it was online - and you know I'd much rather prefer it in person -  but it was okay. It's in the babies room. " I pointed upstairs.

"Already? " He said surprised.

"Yeah. I used same day delivery. That IS what you meant right? "

"Uh ... yeah. Sure. " He said , scratching the back of his neck nervously.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I thought you meant, so I went and -"

"It's fine baby. It's not like we CAN'T afford to splurge a little on our kids. So don't sweat it. Let's just get going yeah ?"  Ethan said , helping me up from the couch while both of them walked beside me up the stairs.

"No I want it more to the left so they can wake up with a view of the woods out back."

"Better ?" Jacob said,  putting the crib back down .

"Much ." I said excited , clapping my hands together. 

"So what do you think ?" Ethan said , dusting his hands off on his jeans before hooking his arm around me.

"I love it ! Don't you ?"

"Uh yeah. It's... kinda nice." He said trying to sound nice and agreeing with me while I knew full well that neither one of them had any idea when it came to decorating kids rooms.

"Well thank you for your help. I really appreciate it." I said,  standing on my toes and placing a kiss on Ethan's lips.

"Anything for you love." He replied,  untangling himself from me.

"So have you thought of any names yet? " Jacob said , helping me to the couch.

"I've been sitting here alone all day for the last 7 months . What do you think ?"

"Uh... yes ?" Ethan said confused, sitting next to me.

"So , what is it ?" Jacob said eager while throwing a blanket over us.

"Well, I've got an idea but I'm just not ready to share it yet. But ! I will tell you that I have agreed to give them both of your last names regardless of who's the father. You're cool with that right? "

"Of course! That's Amazing Liv "

"Really sweet of you ." Ethan and Jacob said at the same time. It was nice to see them both this happy and I wanted our kids to be equals and happy no matter if they were Walker's or Smith's. They were OUR kids and while I was still around , I was going to make sure NO ONE got left out or forgotten.

I'm ending it here sorry!!!! Had a rough time with this one. It started off great but after they arrived home it kind of went downhill for me. But oh well! Hope you all enjoyed this anyway. Thank you so much for reading. Remember to leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

//updates every Thursday//

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