Chapter 5 Occasion

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I hate that I was back here.

I swore to myself that I wouldn't step foot in this place ever again.

That I wouldn't be caught dead back here .

But I guess death was a bitter pill to swallow...

Because here I was. Back at it again with my white Vans !

I'm kidding !

But seriously , I WAS back here again and I hated every last bit of it.

Every ounce of my fiber, of my being was yelling at me to get out of here ,to run as fast as I could and never look back.

But did I listen? What did you think? Of course I didn't! I don't even listen to myself! So I guess in a way , it served me right for being here again . This time , it was all on me.

"Do you agree to the terms being read to you ?" Ross said in a serious tone.

"Yes." I said with a shakey voice , taking a deep breath.

"Sign your name at the bottom of the papers and I'll have the contract drawn up." He said , sliding the paper over to me.

You might be thinking, what the hell am I doing !?

But the thing is , I couldn't ruin the lives of hundreds of people. I mean , I know I'm cruel and heartless , but not that much.

It took me a lot of time to get to this point and A LOT of thinking and considering ALL of my options. But when it came down to it , I just couldn't do it.

I was weak.

I was too weak to stand up against my father and say ; NO. I just couldn't do it. I didn't have a choice.

Watching all the eyes in the room fall on me and my shaking hand , I almost hesitated. Asked myself the question if this was really what I wanted to do.

So I didn't think. I squinted my eyes closed and signed that damn paper .

Handing it back over to Ross I said ; " I have some terms of my own. If I'm being forced into this , I want a say too. Not only on the business side of things." I watched as everyone around the room nod their head , urging me to continue.

"I'm 18. Meaning I'm considered a legal adult now , so I want some freedom of my own. I don't want to be confined to being a 'housewife ' because I'm not. I'm technically still a kid too, that means I want to have fun . Live my life. I'm not ready for this kind of responsibility - though I'm now too deep into this mess to back out - but I still want to be a free person. You don't own me. I'm not your object, okay ? And lastly, don't think because I'm being forced to live with you now , that you will get anything out of this ordeal. So DON'T. EVEN. THINK. ABOUT IT." I finished, making the whole room fall silent. But it was true , if they thought they could have their way with me because a silly piece of paper said we were married now , they've got another thing coming.

I watched as Ross cleared his throat in due awkwardness saying; "okay then. If all the invloved parties agrees " he said making Ethan roll his eyes and Jacob nod his head " then I'm -partly - happy to announce MRS Olivia Walker Smith " hearing that, made all three of our mothers jump in joy and get all excited while the men shook hands -like the business transaction this actually was - sealing the deal.

I , just sat there thinking what the hell did I just do ?

It wasn't long after the mother's had calmed down , that we were all escorted to a fancy restaurant to celebrate our new 'addition ' . So me being me - and obviously being forced to wear something nice by my mother - I obliged following the grownups to the limo. Yes , they bought a limo for this special occasion.

But at this point, nothing they did or said mattered to me anymore.

I was now in this for life.

And unfortunately there was no way out of this for me. Even as much as I wanted there to be...

Arriving at the restaurant we were all taken to the back where a long table sat with a sign that read reserved. I eyed the fancy decorations and different types of silverware that was layed out at each chair . I didn't even know what each of them was for nevermind how to use them !? I would've been much happier with a burger and fries from Chick-fil-a.

"Here's to another successful business transaction. To business !" Mr Walker said , raising his glass while the rest of the grownups did the same saying 'to business!' in unison, reminding me once again what this REALLY was. A business transaction.

The whole night while everyone around me was busy getting drunk on alcohol, I just picked at my food , pushing it around as if it were Brussel sprouts. I was not enjoying my self one bit . Oh , what I would give to be at home watching The 100 in my bed right now.

"Hey , you okay ?" A concerned voice asked, making me look up into the eyes of Jacob.

"Just really don't want to be here right now. No offence..." I said , putting my fork down in defeat.

"I get it. This doesn't really feel like a celebration does it? " he said in a soft tone , making me think he almost felt as miserable as I did.

"Pff yeah." I scoffed .

He was right. This didn't feel like a celebration. Because to them , the grown ups , the big heads behind all of this , it wasn't. It was just another business transaction. And I hate that , that was what they saw my life as.

"Do you wanna get out of here ?" He asked , making me look up at him in disbelief. Did he really just say what I think he said?

"But what about our paren-"

"Do you really think they'll notice? " he asked , making me look over at Mr & Mrs Walker practically sucking eachothers faces off. No wonder we got a private table in the back...

"Let's do it." I said for the first time with a real smile , happy to get out of here.

Grabbing our coats we were soon pulled back by a pair of hands.

"Where are YOU going ?" An annoyed Ethan asked.

Are you kidding me !?

"We're leaving what does it look like? " I said irritated that he kept appearing everywhere like it was nobody's business.

"Well then I'm leaving too." He said putting his coat on as Jacob and I mirrored the same look that said ; are you serious?

"Yeah . I want out just as much as you do. Do you really think I want to sit here while my parents are making out infront of me ? "

I mean , he did have a point...

"Fine ! But if you're going to be a jerk you can might as well stay. " I said , pointing my finger at his chest to prove my point.

"Okay , sheesh" he said , lifting his hands up in surrender while Jacob hailed us a cab.

Time for the real fun to begin.

What did you think !? I'm honestly on the fence on this one , do I like it ? Don't I ? Am I going to post it anyway ? Duh ! Hope you all enjoyed it . Thank you so much for reading. Until next time, keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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