Chapter 10 Game Over

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I waited until I saw his car drive off to work before I stepped foot out of my door. I knew avoiding him wasn't the best way to solve the problem but it was the only one I had.

He would probably be gone until 6 maybe 7 at the latest,  which gave me the whole day to come up with either a better solution or an answer for him.

Walking into the kitchen, my feet made their own way to the coffee maker , knowing full well that I needed that right now. It was the only thing keeping me alive and sane anymore.

"I heard about your little make out session yesterday. " I jumped at Ethan's voice - having thought he left with Jacob - as I turned around seeing him sit in the counter with a cup of coffee .

"It was just a kiss." I said softly , turning back to the coffee maker that was taking it's sweet time today !

"Well , when am I going to get mine?" Turning around I was surprised at how close he was standing to me now.

"Excuse me ?" I said confused , trying to distance myself from him as best I could.

"I'm probably a way better kisser than he his anyway . "

"I don't -"

"Come on , you know it's true. I mean, what's fair is fair. He got to kiss you so now I want a kiss too. "

"Ethan - I ..." with each sentence that spewed from his mouth,  he took a step closer. Each step making me run out of room behind me. With a yelp I was soon lifted up unto the counter by him as I watched a smirk play dangerously on his lips. Why was that so attractive!?

"You know you want to Olivia. "

"I-" I couldn't manage to form any kind of words.

"Say it ." He whisperd into my ear , making a shiver run down my spine. Why does my body have to defy what my head is telling it !?

"Etha-" I couldn't even let the words spill out before he forced his lips on mine. It wasn't soft and gentle like Jacob's, it was rough and demanding . I tried to push him away , but the more he got into it the more my lips stared to learn the rhythm of his. I couldn't stop it . Just like with Jacob.

When he pulled away , that very same smirk danced on his face,  making his icy blue eyes sparkle in the morning light. "Tell me that wasn't better than Jacob. " he said cocky as I jumped off the counter , straightening down my sweatpants again.

"How could you!? You saw that I was a mess after my first kiss with Jacob! " I said upset,  grabbing my cup of coffee from the dispenser.

"Oh come on , you enjoyed it just as much as I did." He said , taking a seat infront of me.

"You took advantage of me !"

"I didn't take advantage of YOU , I simply took advantage of the SITUATION. Just be happy that a kiss was all I asked for." He said , taking a sip from his - now cold- cup of coffee while I huffed in frustration.

"You - you make me so - "

"Happy ? Intrigued even ?" He said amused that he could wind me up like this over something as small as a kiss. If I didn't know any better I would think he enjoyed seeing me upset, on the verge of an out break.

"Ugh!!!!" I said , storming over to the living room AWAY from him and his comments.

"You know , if you ask nicely I might even let you kiss me again." He said , jumping over the back of the couch and sitting CLOSE to me. Too close for my liking. This was all a game to him,  a game I didn't know the rules of and had no intention of playing . "Oh ? The silent treatment?  I know how to fix that-" he tried leaning in again as I this time shoved him off of me before he could take control over my sensible side again. "Fine. But you'll be coming back for more !" He yelled after me as I disappeared up the steps.

Great. Now I had TWO reasons to hide out in my room and none of them seemed to have ANY type of solution that was NOT crazy.

Hearing the front door slam shut made me jump up from my bed . I must've fallen asleep ...

Putting my ear to the door,  I tried to listen for any indication as to what happened or WHO was home. But all I heard was the sound of my heart pouding in my ears and my breathing growing heavy from anticipation. 

"Olivia , it's me. Open up. " I jumped at Jacob's fist connecting with my door softly as he knocked. "Please." He pleaded as my hand turned the knob seeing a disheveled Jacob, out of breath with a few buttons missing on his dress shirt.

"Jacob, what happend to you? " I said in a soft voice , letting him in as he grabbed my face in his hands , looking at me like a mother searching her child for any sign of harm.  Seeing as I was fine , he let out a sigh of relief and walked over to my bed , sitting on the edge.

Walking over to him , I tried again . "What, happend to you?"

"Ethan" was his only response and seeing my confused look inched him to continue. "He told me what - no , he bragged about what he did to you this morning ,then all I could see was red." He said , clenching and unclenching his fists making them turn white.

"You didn't hurt him did you? "

"Of course not ! I just taught him a lesson about how to- wait , you're telling me you actually care about what happens to that twerp?"

Sensing where this was heading , I backed up - but you would've thought that I had learned better by now not to - and so did he. He followed me , stalking closer like a hungry predator as flashes of Deja Vu flashed before my eyes of Ethan. And that's when I blurted it out and all chaos broke loose.

"I think I have feelings for Ethan too !" I covered my mouth as soon as those words escaped from it. The words tasting foreign on my lips . I watched as Jacob stood dead in his tracks,  making me shrink back at how intimidating he was.

"Look at me Olivia!" His voice boomed through the house,  as I lifted my head like a scared little puppy. "Do you love him?" I didn't answer him. "DO YOU LOVE HIM !?" he yelled louder this time as I broke down. "I don't know Okay! I was never allowed to date anyone and my parents were always working so I DON'T KNOW WHAT LOVE FEELS LIKE !" I yelled this time while tears started to roll down my cheeks. I watched as his eyes immediately filled with regret as he tried reaching for me while I swat his hand away in return. "Don't touch me. Just leave me alone. BOTH OF YOU!" I said , running to my ensuite bathroom and locking myself in there while I let the sadness takeover once again.

I promised myself I would never be weak again . That they would never see me cry again because I was a warrior. A fighter and survivor. There was no room for weakness. But when your life was such a mess like mine , sometimes you just have to let the river flow.

I was defeated.

Overwhelmed and overpowered.

I , have given up.

This was one battle I've lost one too many times and this time , I don't think I'll get up that easy.

I know this wasn't my best work but I'm satisfied enough to publish it. What did you think?  Thoughts on Ethan and that little moment ? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below. Thank you so much for reading. Until next time,  keep howling my wolves ❤🐺

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