Chapter 14 Run home

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I've been officially moved in and married for a week now. I thought moving out would be the best feeling in the world but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought I would miss home this much.

I missed waking up to the smell of my mom cooking something downstairs . I missed having fresh laundry in my closet and not having to worry about what's for dinner or having to clean the house. Now , all of those responsibilities fell unto my shoulders. I had to be the one that supplied all of that.

Don't get me wrong , living with the guys hasn't been that bad , especially now that they've agreed not to rip eachothers heads off . But there were just certain aspects of home -that I took for granted - that I never thought I would miss this much. And it's... kind of taken a toll on me . So much so that I haven't moved from my room in the last 2 days .

"Olivia ?" I heard Jacob's voice -right on time as usual - on the other side of my door.

"Yeah , come on in Jacob. " I said , sitting up in my bed .

And instead of just Jacob walking in with a tray of food or some drink , I saw Jacob and Ethan stride in , together.

"What's up ?" I asked , putting my hair up in a ponytail.

"That's what we'd like to know. " Ethan said , crossing his arms over his chest.

"Nothing. I'm fine. "

"Fine ? Olivia , you haven't moved from that bed for the last two days . You're not fine. " Jacob said, sounding frustrated that I wasn't giving them a straight answer. But how could I tell them that I was homesick? That I wanted to go back home ? They would freak.

"I'm sorry ..." I said , trying to keep my tears at bay as not to cry infront of them.

"It's - It's not about being sorry Olivia. We're all in this together, remember? You can tell us what's wrong ." Ethan said , unfolding his arms and displaying a more sincere look and that's what started my internal battle.

Should I tell them ?

Should I not ?

How would they react if I did ?

Would they kick me out or lash out at me ?

I had no clue what I was supposed to do . But caving in anyway I decided that maybe Ethan was right. If he could open up about him being possessive and jealous, then I can open up to them about being homesick. I mean it was normal right ?

"I... I think I'm homesick. " I said , letting my gaze fall to my lap while I could hear one of them sigh out loud. Oh boy , here we go .

I was prepared to hear yelling and inappropriate innuendos about me being selfish and a baby , but instead I felt the bed dip . On both sides. And then, I was pulled into a group hug.

It was strange receiving this type of affection from them , nevermind the both of them at the same time.

When they pulled back, my cheeks were tear stained along with their shirts - with the way they hugged me - Embarrassed, I wiped my tears with my sleeve as Ethan first spoke up.

"It's okay to feel homesick Olivia. We do too . It's normal. Just because we're all living together doesn't mean we all magically stopped missing our mom's cooking or our dad's advice. It's hard . But no one ever said growing up was easy. " the words he was saying took me by surprise since words of endearment and comfort never came from Ethan's mouth , but when it did ; it was really nice.

"Yeah , I agree with Ethan. I feel that way too sometimes and it's okay. If it'll make you feel any better we can go see your folks today? " As those words slipped from Jacob's mouth, it was like I found my second breath. Just the thought of seeing my mom again brought me so much joy . I never thought I would miss her this much.

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