Chapter 25 Toast

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It's was almost like I knew this was going to happen. Like in some sort of prognostic messed up way... I woke up crying this morning. Yup , the joy of yesterday has become the sorrow of today. It was like I had absolutely no feeling towards the situation anymore or any doubt that this wasn't what I wanted. No , I knew EXACTLY that this wasn't what I wanted.

I didn't want to play 'house' or be a mother to another human being. I didn't want to be a wife or a caregiver, heck I didn't even want to be a daughter for that matter - since being the daughter of the biggest CEO brought me to this point in my life - so why mess up another human's life ? Why keep this whole charade game up ? I mean it wasn't like we were happy right ?

Well -

Shut up ! My mind wasn't going to play this game with my head again. I've had enough of being on the fence and my mind telling me ; well you know you love them or you didn't mean it or my absolute favorite this far , it's the hormones talking. Like , does it look like I give a damn !?

This was how the last hour since I've woken up has been . Just me fighting with myself basically over stupid , idiotic, dumb stuff! And the problem was , I couldn't help nor prevent it one bit . No matter how hard I tried. Well , that's until a knock sounded from my bedroom door. I knew it was too late to hide it now.

"Morning princess - hey , what's wrong baby ?" Ethan said , taking a seat next to me on the bed while I wiped the excess tears from my cheek.

"Nothing , it's just ... I don't know how I feel about this anymore. "

"Feel about what ?" He said caring , taking my hand in his - very out of character of him -

"This . The baby. Us . "

"Us ? What do you mean us ? I thought we were happy? I thought you were happy yesterday? " he asked confused , stroking my hand while I spoke my mind endlessly to exhaustion. Thankfully though, he had a heart of understandment today and seemed to have left rebel badboy Ethan in his room. I smiled at the thought, thinking how I could just simply place Ethan into so many sub categories. He was like this one puzzle piece that didn't fit anywhere yet , it had a place everywhere.

"See , there's that smile. I know this is hard for you and it's only going to get harder. But Olivia I love you and I promise you that Jacob and I will NOT let you go through this alone. You're so much stronger than you think Mi Amor , and I love you so much for it. Now dry those tears , you're too beautiful to be crying. " he said while I wiped my tears on my sleeve and a smile started slowly appearing on my face. He could be so sweet when he wanted to be.

"And what's going on in here ?" Jacob said concerned before seeing that I was smiling and then doing the same.

"Not much. It's all good now." I said through a teary smile .

"You sure ? Cause you look pretty upset to me ? Ethan what did you do-"

"Hey ! It wasn't me this time. I swear!"

"Guys , please don't fight again. I'm fine, really. And it wasn't Ethan. I was just a little sad that's all."

"About what? " Jacob said , sitting next to Ethan while Ethan gave him a warning glare as to not bring the topic up again.

"I was just being silly. About us and... the baby. But Ethan reassured me that it was all going to be okay."

"Well of course it is baby . We've got your back." He said with a warm smile while I felt 100 times better.

"Okay ." Ethan said clapping his hands together " who's up for some brunch? " 

"Aslong as I don't have to cook it." I said with a giggle, getting up.

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