Chapter 20 If I never see him again it'll be too soon

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Since the events that took place last week with both of them , it was like we all grew closer. Had a deeper ... connection,  if you could even call it that. But as cliché as it sounded, I WAS feeling much closer to both of them - though I could've gone without their overprotective sides overshadowing eachothers - but I guess that's the price you pay.

We've started to work on a system on who does what at work and when , and to be honest  it oddly enough worked out perfectly. It gave each of us a chance to handle the big jobs - like trading and negotiating -  as well as do the little things around the office - like filing and staff related issues - too. After I showed them the RIGHT way to handle things around here they've gotten A LOT better at their jobs and the company has been doing REALLY well. My dad popped in from time to time - though I'd prefer it if he didn't - but he just some how still felt 'responsible ' and wanted to help out. So each time I had to give him an update , he would okay it and then leave. It was an endless cycle of my dad's genes shining through strong.

"Hey Olivia ? Since we're all caught  up , would you like to have dinner with me tonight? "

"Sure . What would you like me to make? " I said still busy with the day's filing.

"No like, go out. To eat ?" Ethan repeated again grabbing my attention.

"Just the two of us ?"

"Well ... I GUESS if you want Jacob to come too , I can't force you ."

"Great ! - I mean it's not that I DON'T want to spend time with you alone because I do , I swear. It's just,  I don't want him to feel left out you know ?" I said hopeful that he would understand what I meant.

"No it's fine Olivia,  I get it . " he said sounding not as disappointed as I thought he would be. Maybe he really understood what I was saying . Or ... he just put himself in Jacob's shoes for once knowing how left out he would've felt if it were the other way around.

"Thank you." I said , placing a kiss on his cheek before heading home.


I've been home for almost an hour now which meant they would be getting home any minute since I wasn't the one in charge today. Taking advantage of my time , I spoiled myself with some cented candles and a few colorful bath bombs while I soaked in the tub . I then - against my will -  knew I had I to get out sometime and get dressed. I picked out a cute little sky blue dress and paired it with my white wedges while putting my hair in messy bun. I was just about ready when they came rushing through the front door , shoes and ties flying across the foyer while they rushed upstairs .

"Last minute meeting . Be down in a sec !" Ethan called while I heard both bedroom doors slam shut and the water turning on. A smile spread across my face at the show they just performed - knowing full well I was usually the late one while I was waiting on them this time - as I started picking up their shoes and ties from the floor.

And not 5 minutes later they were both back downstairs and dressed . How they managed to shower , get ready and look THIS good in under 5 minutes I still hadn't figured out but I didn't question it either.

"You look beautiful Mi Amor " Ethan said placing a kiss on my cheek - to not smudge my drying lipstick - while I smiled into his touch.

"You really do look breathtaking Liv" Jacob said , doing the same with the other side .

"Thanks. You ready to go ?"

"I think so. " Ethan said , checking his pockets if he had everything while Jacob and I shared a smile at the sight.

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