Part 14

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Liam's breakdown lasted for around an hour and a half. He managed to calm himself down eventually, though. He was so thankful for Derek and Lydia, he wouldn't have made it without their kindness.

Liam sat up and Lydia ruffled his hair, which somehow made it look a little better. That was their thing; himself, Lydia; Derek and Theo would mess with each others hair in hard times or whenever they needed to show their support. Liam wished Theo would do it to him, if only for the last time.

He shook the thoughts away. Theo's stronger than all of us, he has to make it. He has to, there is no in between. He gave both Lydia and Derek a sad smile, and then took their hands and led them to the door which separated themselves from Theo and Deaton, and the two knew that Liam was ready to see him.

Lydia and Derek often met up without Theo and Liam, simply because they enjoyed each other's company, not for any other reason. It's not like they were going behind the two younger boys' back, they just felt that sometimes they needed to discuss things going on in their lives. Liam would never be jealous anyway, he knew that they got along so well.

It was nice to see Derek out of his shell. When he was around the pack, he often puts up walls around himself, as if he can't let anyone see what he is really like. However, when he's with the rest of his trio, he is smiley, happy, energetic. They could all tell that Derek was so much different when he was around them, so much different from the Sour Wolf that the rest of the pack know him to be.

With a shaky hand, Liam began to push the door open. He was already beginning to regret it, and the older two could tell. Derek squeezed his shoulder, and in turn, Lydia squeezed the hand that Liam was holding ever-so-tightly already.

They were inside the room now, and Liam's breath hitched in his throat. The sight in front of him, layed on the cold, metal table brought tears to his eyes. As quickly as he had walked in, Liam whipped himself around and crashed into Derek's chest, shaking like mad. Neither of the adults knew what to do and so they just soothed him, not wanting to rush him.

Derek found it incredibly difficult having to see his best friend in so much pain. He wanted to place his hand on top of Liam's and start taking his pain, but he knew Liam wouldn't want that, and so he didn't.

Soon enough, Liam felt ready. He knew it wasn't going to be a nice experience but he wanted to be brave and stay strong, not only for Derek and for Lydia, but for Theo, even if he didn't make it. Which he would, he would make it.

Liam unwrapped himself from Derek's arms, suppressing his shaking hands. He gave Doctor Deaton a quick smile, to which he was returned with a friendly nod.

He made it to the table without turning back. He was beyond proud of himself, and now he was up close next to Theo. The sight broke his heart, and then continued to break it over and over again.

Theo's hair was knotted, as if someone had begun to backcomb it for a crazy hai day. Lydia would not approve if this was a normal situation, but of course, nothing is ever a normal situation when you live in beacon hills and you're a werewolf.

His eyes were closed, and Liam was unable to see the beautiful chocolate eyes that he had so easily fallen in love with.

Although he was in a coma like state, Theo looked so incredibly uncomfortable. Liam wished he could do something to help, and so he did. He asked Derek to help lift Theo into a chair in the corner, whilst Lydia grabbed the tubes and wires attached to him and bring them beside him. He then ran to Stiles' jeep and found multiple pillows and blankets. If Theo was to wake up, at least he'd be comforted by Derek's scent.

Lydia gave him a small smile as he rushed back in, setting all the blankets out across the table as extra cushioning. Derek brought Lydia amd Theo back to the table, and placed Theo upon it as gently as possible. Liam could have sworn that he had heard Theo sigh in relief, though he didn't want to get his hopes up.

He shooed them all away, pushing away the people he valued the most, with a wave of his hand, and they understood that he needs some time with his lover, and so they left and sat in the waiting room in silence. No one dared to say anything. Not even Deaton.

The fantastic four, possibly to become a trio, all suffered from a broken heart, and yet no one had to say anything for them all to know they were going through the same, exhausting experience.

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