Part 63

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As soon as the pack disappeared into the building, Hope stopped working on the cloaking spell and set it on an automatic, six minute timer. 

As she began to set up for the barrier skill, she spoke to Derek, who had been sitting beside her in silence.

"What's up, Der?" She asked gently, lighting the candle with her wrist. 

"Nothing," Derek shook himself out of his thoughts, looking up. "Just a little distracted." 

"Talk to me, I can cope," Hope said, adding a light chuckle onto the end of her statement. Derek laughed too and nodded, realising he needed to talk to someone about what he was going through. 

"Stiles.. he uh.. he broke up with me, I guess..?" Derek could already feel the tears in his eyes and Hope stopped what she was doing, looking up. 

"Oh my God Der, I am so sorry," She muttered, crashing into Derek's chest for comfort. Derek smiled down at the small figure, running his hands through her hair gently. 

"It's okay.. I think I'm okay. It still hurts like a bit-" Derek cut himself off, remembering that he was talking to a seven year old. "It still hurts a lot, but I think I have feelings for someone else.." 

Hope pulled away, her eyes lighting up as she giggled. "Is it Lydia? It better be Lydia otherwise I swear I will kill you, Derek Hale!" 

"Yes, yes. It's Lydia, sweetheart." Derek ruffled her strawberry blonde hair, unable to wipe the smile off of his face. He hadn't felt this happy since before Theo had left. 

A loud gasp from Hope stopped his goofiness. "You alright, hun?" 

Hope nodded, her hands shaky as she placed her hands over the candle. She reached for her necklace, pulling it off her neck and holding it above the candle, which gave her the strength she needed to complete the spell. 

"Yeah, their just uncloaked now. The hunters will be able to see them." 

Derek nodded, watching as she started the next spell.

"Freya, placere auxilium. Quod necesse est ponere in obice inter me et extra aedificium. Modo enim hominibus et per homines cant adepto eam non liceat Cant. Auxilium me Freya affinitate conjungitur." Hope repeated the words quietly, until she pulled away from the candle, watching the doors to the building.

Both Derek and Hope stared at the door as a translucent layer appeared around it, tinted a light red so that it was visible to the pack. 

Hope thanked Freya in her head and Derek looked at her like a proud father. 

"What language is that?" Derek asked, in pure confusion. How does a seven year old, who has lost almost her entire family, manage to learn a whole language?

"Oh, it's Latin. Most spells are performed in Latin so I had to learn it." 

Derek nodded and Hope placed her necklace in his hand, closing his fingers around it. "I want you to keep this. That way you always know you have someone. Just hold it and call my name if you want to talk, okay?" 

Derek nodded again, a smile on his face as Hope took it back, placing it around Derek's neck and clasping it together. 

The older werewolf turned around and practically pounced on the girl, tickling her as she giggled. 

"Thank you for everything, sweetheart," Derek whispered after a while, pulling the girl into a tight hug. They had completely forgotten about where they were. 

"It's fine, Derek, I pro-" 

Hope was cut off by an ear-piercing scream, and the two of them could hear several windows shatter from it in the building. 

The two of them looked at each other, preparing for the worst.



yall i just love derek and hope 


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