Part 56

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Derek and Stiles were still not present in the room when Hope dropped the bomb. No one had expected what she was going to say, not even Lydia or Liam, who cursed at themselves for not asking Hope sooner.

Kira stepped forward, crouching beside Malia, closest to Hope. "What do you mean, 'he was taken', princess?" 

Hope's bottom lip quivered as she remembered the other night, and she willed herself not to cry. She had to help them all find Theo as soon as possible. 

The young girl took a deep breath in and sighed, finally speaking. "I know I haven't told you what I am yet but it's useful. My name is Hope Mikaelson, I'm a werewolf - witch hybrid." Hope spoke as proudly as she could, ignoring the packs attempts to cover their gasps and shocked faces. She only giggled at their reaction, for she didn't expect anything less from the goofy bunch of people that currently surrounded her.

Holding both of her arms out, the hybrid let out a breath and looked around the room.

"Scott and Lydia, each of you need to hold one of my arms." The two of them were confused at first, looking back and forth between each other, but Hope didn't notice. She was too busy trying to collect her power. The two of them eventually obliged, lightly gripping Hope's hands.

Hope kept her eyes closed, speaking out again. "Everyone else, split yourselves in half. Half of you need to hold onto Scott, half of you onto Lydia."  

The rest of the group nodded, Lydia biting her lip anxiously as she felt Allison's hand slip into hers. She sighed out in relief, watching Isaac, Corey and Kira move towards Scott, eventually holding him. On her own side, she felt Malia, Mason and Liam's presence. 

The pack looked at Hope expectantly, and she opened her eyes, looking around as they glowed a fiery red. "Is that everyone?" 

Scott nodded, completely forgetting about Derek and Stiles who were upstairs having a heated conversation.

"Good," was the last thing the young girl said, and suddenly she was whispering words, her eyes closed again and her eyebrows sunk into a concentrating frown. 

"In tempore, in tempore, quid acciderit nobis duas noctes. In tempore, in tempore, quid acciderit nobis duas noctes." Hope repeated the same phrase over and over, and the creatures finally began to feel woozy. In the real world, they all fell to the ground simultaneously.


When the pack awoke, they were all hidden behind clusters of trees. It was like they were watching a movie, and only when they saw Theo's car flip did they realise that Hope had put them in her head. She was a witch, after all.

Everyone gasped, placing a hand over their mouths as they watched the car turn, unablr to do anything about it. 

Scott looked at the group of people behind him, bringing a single finger to his lips. They were all suffering from terrible head aches, though no one wanted to say anything. 

"Remember, this isn't real, don't make any noise." The alpha said quietly, earning a bunch of nods in return. 

They all turned their attention to the clearing ahead of them and watched carefully, making sure to focus their hearing on the car, in case any clues were given up.


"Hope? Hope, wake up, my littlest wolf." Hope groaned and reached for the side of her head, touching the dried blood tenderly.

"Hey, look at me, okay?"  The chimera said, hearing the young girl whimper, afraid. He used his thumb to gently lift her chin, resulting in the both of them staring at each other intensely. 

"Stay in the car. I don't care if something happens to me, you stay in the car until everyone is gone-" 


The pack could hear footsteps, and Scott presumed that Theo had heard them too, for he lifted his head and tilted his ear toward the noise. Suddenly, it was harder to hear the chimera speaking.

"I'm going to leave my phone in my seat. If I don't come back, you take it and you ring 'Liam Dunbar' , okay?" Hope only nodded in response. 

"You tell them everything that happened when you see them, okay? You can trust them, I promise." 

The pack were surprised that Theo had put so much faith in them. But he was right, the lot of them would do anything to protect the girl. As quickly as they had faded, the group heard the sounds of gun being loaded and footsteps becoming louder.

"Stay low and don't make a sound until you know everyone is gone, you got it?"

"I got it, T." 

The pack members heard Theo take a shaky breath, and then watched him as he tucked a strand of hair behind the young girl's ear. None of them had ever seen the chimera show so much affection toward someone.

"Remember that I love you, my littlest wolf." 

Lydia grabbed onto Allison's hand, shaking as she became overwhelmed with the feeling of death. A memory from a time with the ghost riders also passed through her mind, making her spine shiver.

"I-I... I love you too, dad." 

The pack had never really heard Hope sound so upset or afraid until now. Only now did everyone realise how important the two of them really were to each other. And if Theo was the only person that could make Hope happy, then they would die trying to get him back, because they all knew that she had been through so much more than an, average seven year old girl.



y'all wanna hear the rest of the memory from hope next or do you wanna see how well theo is getting on with cHaRlOtTe CaLaVeRa?

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