Part 64

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Inside the building, it was madness. There were hunters everywhere, and the pack had only just made it past the guards when they became visible again. 

Currently, they were in the middle of a hallway, fighting off masses of guards at a time. 

Malia had shifted into a coyote, running at the hunters and taking them down when they were too worried about the wolves in front of him. 

Corey, Kira and Isaac had their own system worked out. Isaac would rip the weapons from the hunter's hands, Corey would push them into Kira, and then Kira would either knock them out with the bottom of her sword, or she would kill them, with the top of her sword. 

Scott was basically just ripping people away from the pack, throwing them against the walls or something similar to that. He tried not to kill anyone, of course, but his pack's survival was more important to him than anything. 

Allison and Lydia stayed behind, killing anyone who either tried to leave, or anyone that tried to warn other about the attacks that were going on. They didn't care about killing people, they just wanted their little brother back.

Liam was nowhere to be seen, for he had run ahead to find his lover as quickly as possible.


25 minutes later, the halls were clear and the pack made their way through the building without being stopped. Liam was still nowhere near the rest of them, but the pack had trust in the beta and knew he would be okay. 

Eventually, they stopped in front of a metal door. Scott looked behind him, at his pack, and he recieved nods from everyone. Even Malia, who pushed her head against Scott's legs to get him to open the door. The pack chuckled at the impatient wolf that was Malia and nodded to Scott again. 

Without hesitation now, Scott pushed the door open.


The pack's breath hitched as they saw, out of all people, Araya Calavera standing in the middle of the room, bent over a map that was pinned to a stone table. Beside her was a younger woman, maybe in her late teenage years. Her shoulders were covered by mid-length, blonde, wavy hair and she looked quite alike to the famous hunter. 

Scott rolled his eyes, checking the room for anymore hunters, sighing when he saw it was just them two. 

"Well hello there, Scott, my mother has told me such things about you!" Charlotte spoke up, a cocky smile on her face.

Scott almost burst out laughing right there and then. "I'm sorry... mother? Jesus Christ, who the fuck slept with you, Araya? At your age, anyone who would hook up with you should be classed as a minor." 

The rest of the pack snickered as they silently spread across the room, catching the two Calavera's in the middle of a supernatural circle. Malia positioned herself behind Charlotte, ready to shift back into a human and rip her throat out at any given moment. 

"Now now, Scott, let's not get too angry, shall we?" Araya said, focussing on the alpha. 

"Oh, we won't, as long as you return Theo to us. Like, right now."

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Charlotte mumbled, a smirk set on her face.

The pack made the circle tighter, their shoulders touching each others as they surronded the two hunters. 

Charlotte closed her fists, and Lydia just had enough time to shout, "Cover your ears!" Before the blonde banshee let out a scream. Man, were the hunters surprised when they realised that the pack were unaffected. Lydia returned the scream just as quickly, making both Charlotte and Araya feel extremely dizzy.

"Having a banshee in your own pack does some wonders, Araya." Scott spoke, watching Malia creep behind Charlotte as the two hunters shifted uncomfortably. Just as they were about to run for it, Malia shifted into her usual form and wrapped her claws around Charlotte's throat. 

"Take one more step and I'll kill her," Malia said, clearly not messing around. 

Araya looked at the door, and then at her daughter, and then to the door again. The lady stumbled and moved forward, resulting in a ripping sound filling the air. Charlotte crumpled to the ground, a bloody gap where her throat should be.

Araya let out a choked sound as she fell to her knees beside her daughter, and the pack nodded, walking away from the scene. They took a right turn and saw Liam, an unconscious Theo in his arms. 

"Let's go, watch out for hunters!" Scott said, his voice loud and clear as he spoke out to his pack. 

Malia shifted, yet again, and ran ahead, howling when she saw hunters crowded around the exit. The rest of the pack followed suit, pouncing on the hunter's like it was the last thing they would ever do. 

Liam stayed behind with Allison, who walked backwards, shooting anyone who ran at them from behind. Liam whispered sweet nothings to Theo, who had woken up and was hissing in pain. "Shh, it's alright T, I got you.." 

The pack turned a corner, leaving Allison and Liam in the corridor before. They stopped for a moment, catching their breath back. They were calm, until Liam heard a bullet flying. Before he had time to say anything, the noise stopped, and choked noises filled the air. 

Liam looked down at Theo, who's eyes were wide with fear, as Liam suspected his were, too. 


Lydia had never felt so dizzy. She placed two hands on either wall beside her, her breathing heavy. She shook her head, as though she were hallucinating. Malia wrapped herself around Lydia's legs, but desperately scrambled to cover her ears with her paws when the banshee let out a single, one-worded scream. 


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