Part 43

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Two weeks, five days, nine hours.

The sky was clear of clouds and a wonderful bright blue sky filled the area above. It reminded Theo of a certain someone's eyes.

But he didn't have time to think about the lover he had left behind right now, for here he was, sat on the cool grass and laughing with a young girl he didn't even know the name of.

The two of them seemed to have put all of their trust in each other, and they had talked for hours about the most random things he could think of. Apparently, the girl found him funny and Theo had already begun to adore her smile as she giggled.

Theo laid on his back as silence filled the air, both getting their breath back from a laughing session that had occurred just moments before. He was quickly joined by a girl, laid on his chest sneakily.

No one said anything until Theo spoke up. "So, darling, what's your name?"

The red-head was quiet for a moment before she spoke up, a smile plastered on her small face. "Oh, my name is Hope!"

"I'm Theo, it's lovely to meet you, your highness." Theo stuck his hand to the side and Hope shook it, giggling. Theo marvelled at the sight of making someone so happy.

They both laid in a comfortable silence until Hope began to talk.

"I'm seven years old, sometimes people think I'm stupid but my mummy told me I was really smart! I'm from New Orleans, but my daddy told me I should find a new place to live. I don't know why, but he said it will keep me safe."

The young girl pouted as Theo got lost in his own thoughts. He had heard stories of New Orleans, of the supernatural people who lived there. He had heard of the infamous Klaus Mikaelson and his family, of his child. His child.

"Hope? What's your last name, hun?" Theo asked, panic filling his voice.

"Mikaelson!" She replied, seemingly unknowing to Theo's shocked expression.

Theo knew what had happened, for it was a very popular subject amongst many supernaturals.

Only then did it hit Theo. Hope's parents were dead.


Liam shut himself off. He didn't eat, didn't eat, didn't talk. He was nothing without the chimera near him.

Everyone was worried, of course, but no one had seen Scott this worried over anything in a long time. Maybe even ever.

"Li, come on, you have to eat."

Liam just shook his head, staring at the ceiling as Scott perched on the edge of his bed, trying to coax Liam into eating something.

"You do realise that if you want to see Theo again you have to be alive, right? And staying alive means eating, Li." Scott said gently, desperate for his beta to realise the damage he was doing to himself.

The name of his lover seemed to flick a switch inside of the young boy's head and he sat up, hugging Scott.

"McDonalds?" Liam asked hopefully, giving Scott his puppy eyes.

"McDonalds it is," The alpha replied, ruffling Liam's hair as they walked to the car. Scott wondered why he hadn't just told that to Liam before.


"Why are you in the middle of nowhere?" Hope said in her sweet, quiet voice. after they had joked around for around 40 minutes.

At this, Theo sat up and lifted Hope, which made Hope giggle and Theo smile, and placed her in his lap, as if he was going to tell her a story.

"I had to uh... I had to leave home for a little while. Just like you did, actually." Theo's eyes widened slightly at the similarities and differences between their situations.

Hope squealed at the new information and asked, "Can we play animals?" With an expression on her face that Theo couldn't say no to.

"Of course!"

Theo two crawled around, Hope choosing to be a wolf, which surprised Theo, and so the chimera chose to be a coyote.

After a while of acting like crazy people and growling at each other, they both flopped to the ground and laid side by side, Hope's hand clutching Theo's.

"I'm not exactly human," Hope spoke up after recovering from her giggling fit.

"Me neither."



I want theo to have a child

with me

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