Part 24

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Liam had learned to deal with his emotions in a different way, since he hated crying. His time around Theo had changed how he reacts to certain situations. Of course Liam was upset about all that had happened, but the only way he could even think of taking his mind off of the beautiful chimera that he found so enticing was this. A night club.

He knew it was a bad idea as soon as it came to mind, but he just couldn't stop himself. Liam was so sick and tired of himself messing everything good that has ever come his way. First the pack, then losing Mason & Corey, and then Hayden, and now Theo. Life just seemed like a joke.

He walked to the bar, already feeling claustrophobic and hot, and ordered a whiskey.

The flask in his pocket already had wolfsbane in it, and so he just poured the drink in there again.

Because Liam wasn't born a werewolf, nor was he an alpha, it took much less of the substance to get him officially 'drunk'. Not that Liam cared.

He couldn't stop drinking either, because that meant his body would just heal and he would become sober again. Unless, he drank a whole ton, or something like that. Then he wouldn't sober up until the morning.

He paid the bartender for his drink and sat on one of the stools, drinking away his sorrows.

Most of the citizens in Beacon Hills knew of the supernatural these days. But, as Scott had once said, it would be easier not to turn in front of everyone anyway, because they had come so far to make sure that the humans weren't scared of them. Liam would probably fuck that theory up, too.


It was gone one in the morning when Derek and Lydia finally picked up Liam's scent.

They left Theo asleep in the loft, only because they didn't want to make him worry about anyone when he very clearly had issues of his own. So they let him sleep in peace.

"A night club? Really, Liam?" Derek muttered as they pulled up to the club, Lydia sighing dramatically in response. The two got out of the black Camaro, showed their ID's to the bouncers, because they obviously looked too young for their age, and set off on a mission. A mission to find a certain werewolf named Liam Dunbar.


Liam was still present at the night club, at this point, he couldn't tell what was right or wrong and was dancing with a group of girls in the middle of the dance floor. He hadn't caught the scent of Derek when he had entered the building, so he was completely oblivious to the search going on around him.

That was, until, a manicured hand grabbed a hold of his wrist and dragged him through the crowds. His fangs were out in an instant, although he couldn't be bothered to fight right now. He couldn't even tell if he was drunk or high, or both.

"Hey, Liam!" A voice snapped him out of his thoughts and he growled lowly at the figure, his fangs only disappearing once he saw that the girl was, in fact, Lydia.

"Oh, hey Lyds!" Liam practically shouted, his vision blurry and his head spinning. He was beginning to sway on the spot.

"The hell are you doing?" She asked, sitting him down on the steps outside so that he wouldn't fall over and smash his head open, or something similar.

A voice popped up behind him. "I'd like to know, too." This voice was deeper, grumpier.

(a/n: guess who bitchesss)

"Oh hey there.. Der-bear?" Liam trailed off unsure as to whether it was actually Derek standing behind him. When he heard a stifled chuckle, he assumed it was and carried on. " Are you good? I thought you were!"

"C'mon, Li, we need to get you home." Derek stated, wrapping his arm around Liam's waist and pulling him up off the floor.

Liam pouted as he was practically dragged to Derek's car. "I don't wanna go! I was having so much fun!" He whined.

Lydia piped up as they helped Liam into the back seat of the car. "Yeah, sure. Having fun dancing with girls. You love someone, remember?"

"Oh, crap." Liam muttered as they shut the door and climbed into the seats in front of him. Lydia in the passenger seat, Derek in the driver's. As they drove away from the club, Liam rested his head on the back of his chair and fell asleep like a light.

The two adults weren't surprised, and they continued to chat about random things until they got home.



alright so usually theo would be the one that was out getting drunk because of his personality BUT

theo had opened up to liam, derek, and Lydia so well that I thought he would have been able to express his emotions to them, and therefore didn't feel the need to hide how he was feeling anymore.

liam, however, doesn't make very rational decisions because of his IED, and often goes ahead with ideas that may not have the best consequences

ty for reading my lovely angels

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