Chapter 2

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Everyone was holding their phone and camera and taking a picture of Taylor laying there on the floor. She was exhausted and couldn't care less about what people were thinking about her.

Taylor : What the heck is happening (she asks a random teenage girl that was taking her picture)


Taylor : Who the hell is harry styles (softly)... the guy??....sounds so familiar.....Damnit i can't think.. wait WHERE IS HIM (loudly as she looks around to find him but someone suddenly harry cut her off)

Harry: your bag (he throws the bag onto her lap)

Everyone was still looking at them and crowding them asking for pictures

Harry gave out his hand to help taylor to get up from the floor. She refused and wanted to do it herself but Harry was being himself and pulled her hand still.

Taylor : LET GO OF MY HAND (loudly.. everyone stood around them in silence after hearing what she said)

Harry: EXCUSE ME I JUST HELPED YOU?! ( as he was fixing his curly onion rings hair)

Wow look at those eyes, taylor said to herself. She is so captivated by those green eyes but yet she is still so damn mad at the fact that he is holding her goddamn hand.This is the second time someone is holding her hand.. it feels nice that's what she could think about but it's still weird

Harry: What the hell are you doing there looking at my face. just get your ass off the ground and thank me. I literally ran 500m just to help you. wait. wait . where is the thief. SHIT I LET HIM GO (he was panicking to find the thief)

Taylor: There was really nothing in my bag. (chill)

Harry: The thief is gone! YOU SHOULD'VE TOLD ME

Everyone around is trying to figure what is happening and the crowd was getting lesser and lesser but there were still people and paparazzis taking pictures.

Taylor and Harry said Lets get out of here the same time as they were so bloody annoyed at the fact that people were taking pictures of them. They were walking together towards starbucks at the end of the street god knows why.

Taylor : (why am i even walking with him?His name is Harry? why were people taking pics of us? oh no. no..) So your name is Harry?...

Harry: Are you still not gonna say thanks (looking straight in front,trying his best to not look at her face)

Taylor: Uh. thanks. (looks down, his vibes were scaring her yet she felt so safe walking with this guy that she doesn't even know)

Harry: And yes i'm harry. how can you not know me. (Arrogantly cutting her off)

They stood there in front of starbucks and there were still people looking at them and taking pictures and taylor figured out herself that he's famous. She guessed. Heard of him, doesnt know what he does.

. . . . . . . . . . .

Taylor sips her hot latte carefully.. Harry too

They didn't speak for the whole 5 minutes until his drink was almost done.

Taylor: Thank you Mr.. Styles? for helping me and I really apreciate and thankful that there are still people like you that would help other people. Thank you again for treating me the drink and

Harry: Shut up


Harry: God! I get it, I helped you and can you just keep quite. ( hah she looks cute when she's mad)

Taylor: I'm leaving

Harry: I hope i'll get to see you again, you look cute when you're mad

Taylor: Not until you stop being arrogant. Bye.

Taylor left starbucks not knowing what the hell did she just say when it's clearly stated in her heart that Harry definitely made her heart skip beats. It was even the first time for her to sit down with a guy. She had never had anything anything at all with a guy and she thought it was nice. She decided to just forget about the situation since this is not going to give her any benefits in life. That's taylor. No love no commitment. she doesn't believe in relationships. Even a fun one.

Harry : ( damnit.... was i that arrogant.. she's so beautiful... i should chase her i should. I SHOULD)

Harry ran outside of starbucks to chase after taylor!


Misadventure Haylor | Taylor Swift And Harry StylesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα