Chapter 14

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He found me behind the club and all he said to me was "pass me the key, I'll drive back" I guess pain and guilt was written all over my face.

He drove back my black ferrari california.I had nothing to say as i was still shocked about the situation. Zayn kept turning to check on me, I feel like such an asshole for treating Taylor that way. A night before, i acted like i wanted her so damn badly and in 24 hours she caught me snogging a super model.

I screamed at her that night. I can remember it all too well. My head was spinning fast. I can hear the voice of myself in my head

"fuck. I bet you dragged thousand of guys into your house.well done taylor let me see" "it's been only 6 hours, congratulations fucking proud of you"

I messed it up so badly.

I saw Zayn taking out his phone from his pocket and typed something really fast when the traffic light was red. Red like her dress tonight. I felt so bad and i punched the dashboard.It all happened too fast tonight, my mind was going to explode.

"Harry" Zayn looked at me for a while and continue to concentrate on the road.

"We'll talk about this later. Now calm yourself down" he said

Are they going to laugh at me again and find me stupid for overreacting. I rolled my eyes and we were alredy at the garage of my house without me even noticing.

I guess Zayn messaged the rest of the boys because Liam, Louis and Niall was sitting down in my living room looking at me right after i unlocked the door. I sat down next to Niall on the couch and took the remote to turn on the tv.

Louis snatched it from my hand before i could even press the button.

"spill it harry" he said.

I didn't want to and it was a stupid thing to do by changing the subject.

"wanna play wii?" i said and look at them. All of their eyes were on me, i'm terrible at changing subjects.

Liam was about to say something when my phone inside my pocket vibrates. I took it out and saw that it was just a message from my sister Gemma, I realised that the envelope that she gave was inside my pocket too. I guess i had folded it and put it inside pocket. I threw it on the coffee table "what's wrong Harry you've been acting weird" Liam sounded worried but i know they're going to call me insane again.

I rest my head on the couch and close my eyes.I heard the sound of footsteps and i opened my eyes a little bit and it was Zayn walking into the living room. Without me noticing Niall was holding the envelope that was on the table and took the invitation card out. I was about to snatch it when Niall said out loud.

" you met Taylor ?"

I know he didn't mean to hurt my feelings but i really didn't want to tell them.

Zayn opened his mouth and told them about him getting 12 missed calls from me. He said he found me outside the club. I thought he was exageratting. He said that i look like a lost child. I laughed and all of their eyes were looking at me again.

"You really look like you lost your mind Harry" Zayn said to me.

I felt bad for making them waiting for me to say something so i spilled it all out.

"the night after the interview. remember at Amsterdam" i said while rubbing the palm of my hand.

"cara came to my hotel room" i continued "thought it was taylor and i let her in. I made out with her because i was mad at Taylor for not coming"

I caught Louis shaking his head but they were all still concentrating.

" we had a lot of fun, i sent her to the door and i pushed her one more time towards the wall for another kiss " " I was mad " " Taylor didn't come back to say sorry like the night before for treating me badly" I didn't want to have feelings but somehow it was bugging me so badly. I kept quiet for a while. I felt so bad to even continue the story.

" then i met her just now, she came and gave me the invitation card. I forced her to dance with me after i saw her talking with some guy and i asked her why didn't she come back and she pushed me away again "

Liam stood up out of the sudden.I knew he was going to act just like what he did the other day. "Really Harry! She pushed you away twice. You feel bad for making out with cara a month ago because you saw Taylor?!"

With all the things happening tonight. Liam just had to pressure me and i forced myself to not burst out. I felt like screaming at his face.

"continue" zayn said trying to calm me down. I saw Liam's face changing. I guess he thought that was it.

"i followed her out and she looked like she was crying" i caught louis covering his face.

"i fucking screamed at her and ask her why she keeps pushing me away and suddenly she started laughing and she asked me if had fun having sex with cara"

"what the- don't tell me" Niall knew what was coming. He kept saying oh no

"she saw that night. in front of my door, she waited outside my door to say sorry and when she was ready i came out making out with another woman" I said while rubbing my temples . "i thought she was going to hate me but she ended up smiling to me again and started saying sorry and she said that she hopes to see me there at the dinner" "she's fucking insane for treating me nicely" I felt like something was stabbing my heart.

I honestly has never felt this guilty before

"i'm sorry" Liam said. We all kept quiet and something went on my head.

"Liam" I said

"what" he asked me curiously

"when was the accident. Taylor's accident" I stood up and walk back and forth in the room while clenching my teeth. I felt like there's something in my throat making me want to puke.

I saw Louis grabbing his phone and i went behind him to see.

Accident Amsterdam July

He was on google and he scrolled down a little and press on the news website.

July 11th. At one in the morning earlier. An Aston Martin One-77 driven by an underage got into an accident. The car was terribly wrecked and the driver was alone. We suspected that she drove too fast causing the car to get out of control and hit the traffic light.....

July 11th ,1 am .i can't freaking believe it. It was that night. Please,please dont tell me that it was my fault and she was mad. Maybe it was not because of me. Most probably, She probably doesn't care about me.

But I really had that feeling that it was right after she saw me with cara.

what if

what if

Everyone else solved the mystery by themselves and i ran out of words to say to them.

I walk towards my room and i close the door and tuck myself into bed without even changing.

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