Chapter 45

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Taylor's P.O.V

I'm leaving to the states this weekend "

" oh, see you then "

" yeap yeap i'm done with my work here "

" yeah i packed up "

" it's okay "

" don't worry mom "

" i did that already too "

" okay bye "

" love you mom " 

and i hang up the phone call with my mom. It's been exactly 2 months since i came here to Japan, i've been busy the whole time that i didn't even go back to the States or even London. President Scott came here a couple of times to discuss about the business. Things are better between us . We've been civilized since i moved to Japan, I smile every time i remember about him telling me that he's proud of me.

No matter how many times i fight with him, i still don't know what i would do without him.

I'm starting to see the similarities between us. A lot of people told me that too, everytime when i meet someone new, they would tell me that i remind them about President Scott. Not just because of our face, but because of the way i present myself. It's exactly like him. After all i'm still his daughter.

        The sun was going down, i watch the view of the Tokyo city from my apartment. I've been having the time of my life here despite being far away from Selena and my other friends. The new hotel that i've been working on is already halfway done. 

I look around and i realised that the only things that i have left to pack is only my books and my cds. My workers just sent me a bunch of roses and cards saying thank you and congratulations. A smile creeps on my face thinking of all the hard work that i put into this project and how it paid off so well.

        Even though, a lot of great memories came into my life in just 2 months, i can't lie. I still think of him at night. Harry Edward Styles. The guy that i never thought would affect me this much. It was easy to ask him to go away but the second he slammed the door shut after telling me he hates me. 

I broke down crying. 

I know that he would never ever love me again.

Those first few weeks, the incident was still fresh in my mind. I would wake up in the middle of the night all of a sudden. Sometimes i get a nightmare of him screaming at my face telling me that he hates me. I started taking sleeping pills to avoid from all these things. I lost him already and there's nothing else i could do. All i have to do now is focus on my career.

Being thousands miles away helps a lot. Lesser news about him. Lesser people asking me about him. 

Honestly, going back to London sounds like such a bad idea.They're going to attack me with questions about Harry again. No one knows what happened between us.I was surprised that Harry didn't tell the media that i used him.  Speculations and rumours, i didn't say a thing to keep my identity as the heir of Park Sheraton in a professional way.

It's been a long time since i've seen his face, i refused to watch the television or read anything related to all the artist.i wonder if he's dating anyone. Knowing him, it's probably easy to get another girl. 

        " you know we're different Harry " i could still remember what i said to him . I meant what i said, he is a famous superstar and it is sad to admit that both of our life is just so different. He has a fun life, meeting people and laughing. Have fun and have girls chasing for him. Young , rich and good looking. 

What about me? i stay up all night doing my work for million or even billion dollars project. Sit in a meeting room with people that are way older than me. Not having anytime to have fun or go partying. Not even love. 

Even if those things didn't happen. Would we really end up together?

Some times i do get drift off from my work, i do miss his green eyes staring into mine . How i wish i can wake up to his kisses instead of alarm clocks. Trace my hand on his jawline and run my hand through his hair, let my tongue enter his mouth and kiss him passionately, drive around at night for no reason, let our fingers intertwined and not caring about what other people say .

Morning lights, camera flashes, car headlights and the orange streetlight.

I want to read the words on his body and ask him the meaning of his tattoos. I want to call him up at night and admit to him that i'm such a fool.

I want to dance with him to the sound of the big apple busy streets.

I wonder how he is doing.

I lay down on the couch and turn on the tv, i was really tired. I brought a lot of things to Japan and they were so many things to pack up. I changed the channel to E news.

It was Harry, I press pause. I took a gulp and wonder if i should continue and watch.

I'm over him. I can watch it.

" How is it going with your relationship with Taylor Swift ?"

Oh. I thought the medias are over it.

My heart beats fast wondering what is he going to say about it. It was the first ever interview of him that i watch since the day we broke it off.

His hair was a little longer than usual, i notice the new tattoo on his arm. It was nails, stupid boy keeps getting tattoos. he's going to regret. It took him a while to reply. When he said the first word. I lost my breath, his familiar voice. The voice that i've been missing to hear for so long. 

" we're really busy people, we have our own lives and we really can't keep up on it " Harry said calmly but coldly. I realised a teardrop falling down my cheek. It broke my heart that he didn't tell the media that i used him even though it's bad for me. 

It broke my heart that i haven't heard anything bad about me. I feel like he really doesn't care about me anymore.

When will he ever do a revenge to me? at least if he does it i know that he was thinking of me. But knowing that he didn't tell the media and the way he answered the question . I know that the boy who used to ask me if i'm alright every second of my life doesn't care about me anymore.

I turn off the television no wanting to hear the next question and quickly grab my phone on the coffee table. I check the world clock and it was evening in the states. I press Sierra's number and call her.

She answered right after the second beep. " Taylor ! How are you ? " i heard her voice through the phone line. " Sierra .. " i said softly.

" i miss Harry " i continued. It was the first time me admitting that i miss him since the incident.

The conversation went on and on and i ended up crying like a little kid telling Sierra about how much i miss him. Only Sierra and Alex knows about what had really happen. Harry told them and i told them too, I used to call Sierra every night to ask her about Harry but i thought it was wrong so i stopped.

I was glad that Sierra doesn't hate me for breaking his heart, she said it was not the best thing to do but i had no other choice.

" i want you to come over to my house next week " she said.

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