Chapter 46

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Flashback to the time after Taylor's Party Celebration. She came home to her dad sitting in the living room at 2.30 a.m.

( Chapter 21 )

Taylor's P.O.V

I smiled thinking about the first kiss that i had with Harry earlier. I felt butterflies in my stomach the whole time .I never thought that he would show up, i was glad that he asked me for another chance. I didn't care if i was giving in too fast but i really do love him. I know it with all my heart now. 

It's crazy but i'm note even falling in love anymore. I feel like I'm already in love with Harry, He heard the song that i wrote for him and he knows about my secret identity. Making me even more in love with him

I close my house door slowly and i could feel my cheeks burning still thinking about Harry. The way he walks with his hand in his pockets and his dimples poking out from his cheek when he's smiling. His stupid seashell hair. 

That seashell hair made me chase after him at the hotel.

I walk into the living room and the lights were on, I turn around and saw dad on the couch looking straight at me. I felt my heart aching. I started flashing back towards the time when this happened a couple of years ago.

" where did you go Taylor " he asked. I stood there looking at him trying my best to keep my distance away. I wanted to close my ears and not listen to him. Just for tonight. When everything just feels so good and right for the first time.

" come and sit " he point towards the couch next to him." i don't wanna know anything at this time " i said coldy, i could feel it in my bones that he's going to say something that's going to break my heart. " come. now! " he said sternly.

I walk slowly towards the couch. My heart was beating fast. I had no idea what he was going to say. but 2.30 a.m and him sitting in the living room is a bad sign. " you said you know me well Taylor " he said, i could feel him staring at me.I was too scared to look at him into his eyes, especially when he sounds this way. I nod showing him that yes i really do know him.

" invite Harry to hotel for lunch tomorrow " he said it.

A smile crept on my face and i look up to see his face. He was smiling back at me. I couldn't believe what he just said. I could finally breathe after hearing him saying that.

" dad " i said. I couldn't stop grinning. I reach for his hand and hold it tight. I'm imagining of looking at Harry's face smiling across the table while we're having lunch. I'm madly in love with him and no one can stop me from feeling this way. 

" like what i said you know me well " he pull his hand away from mine. The look on his face change and that's when i notice that's not what he really wants. His eyes spoke to me, i could feel my heart breaking into pieces again once more.he never be friends with anyone that doesn't give him any benefits.

I remember the conversation that i had with dad in the car when we were in Amsterdam.

That's not all that he wants me to know isn't it.. Is he trying to ask me to use Harry?

" use him " he continued.

I knew it

" What?! no . " i replied quickly. " are you insane? " i ask. I can't believe i actually thought that he was being nice. I felt blood rushing up my body, there were fires burning inside me.

" you can't just ask me to do this and that dad. Leave me alone for once please.. " i covered my face in my palm, my hands were now wet from the tears that were falling. It's unfair how i have to follow his instructions. I want to fall in love too. I lift up my face to take a look at him.

" Well Taylor, this is how it works " he smiled coldly. " invite him and you'll see our hotel on the front page of the newspaper for 3 days straight " he continued . " they're gonna love seeing my little girl with that superstar "  I can't believe my dad is doing this to me.

" I'm going out with him, but not for you " i replied and walk away from the living room.

" do it for work " President Scott whispered to himself.

 -        -        -

 Flashback to the time when Harry found Taylor on top of the Park Sheraton NYC building.

" i want you to follow what i said or i'll tell Harry that you used him " President Scott said on the other side of the phone. My heart sank after hearing him say those words. " How dare you ?!?! I'm in love with him, you're the one who's using him. " i replied. Tears were falling down my face non stop.

These past few days that i've been spending with Harry has been one of the best days of my life, i finally feel loved by someone again. .

" are they going to believe my little girl or me " he said. " i don't want to use him dad. There's no difference if we just continue our business normally " i said trying to keep my burning anger and sadness inside. " no difference? don't tell me 70% is nothing my dear, you know more than that " it was so hard for me to believe that i'm even related to this man.

" i love him " i said. " you're 18 " he replied. i kept quiet thinking of what he just said to me. It was true, i am just 18 but that doesn't me that he can ask me to do this and that with people will put attention on us and our business will raise. " no " i said. He's using his own daughter at the same time for his own good.


I don't see any difference if i date Harry because i really do like him. It's just that stop telling me that i'm using me. I don't want to use him . I love him . Even if we're both normal people i would still love him.

" i guess he's going to know that you brought him to New York because you want people to stay here " he said. I felt sick thinking that he's my dad. That's when i made up my mind and know that i would never ever call him dad again.

All these things that i got, my dream life and work. They were all good. But behind all the good things, our family is really fucked up. I'm scared if i'm going to be someone that is just like my dad. 

" no dad no.... "

-         -        -        - 

I have to let Harry go. I don't want to control his life, i love Harry with all my heart. I do really love him. I don't want to be with him and knowing that in some way i'm using him.I would still love him if he can't give me any benefits, how can i ever resist those green eyes and his amazing personality.

I know for sure that i love him but every single time we got into the newspaper, our sale rate will rise. It makes me feel guilty for having Harry. It makes me look like i'm the one who's using him and not President Scott.

When people start thinking that i use him. I couldn't do it anymore. I don't want people to think that he's a stupid boy who doesn't know that he's being used. I rather lost my reputation than letting him loses his.

If only he knows that i wanted him to hate me for his own good. I don't want him to be with someone as fucked up as me. I don't want him to even has anything to do with me. My life is messed up and i just can't drag Harry into my cruel life.

At least if he hates me, he would never come back to chase me and it'd be easier for him to forget about me. 

Even though i have to keep the truth to myself. That i do really love him, it's going to be worth it as long as he can forget about me.

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