Chapter 48

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Dear Taylor,

Please don't cry anymore. Next time if you feel like crying, come to me and don't go and sit on a rooftop somewhere. Just call me up anytime, anywhere!!! I hope you think of me every time you listen to this album. i walked all the way to the CD shop to buy this.. okay.

Taylor, I'm so in love with you- everything about you. You're fast asleep now, you look so beautiful. Believe me. Even tho we have only been knowing each other for about 4-5 months. I feel like you know so many things about me and i don't know what i would do without you.

I don't want you to listen to anything the media says, i love you sooooooo much and i will never leave you alone Taylor. Even if you leave me, i would still chase after you. I promise! i'm not telling you to leave me but that is how much i love you. It breaks my heart when the say mean things about you, they'll stop someday. They can't talk bad about us all the time if we go out all the time right! ;)

Sometimes, i think i'm stupid for feeling this way but when i'm with you, i am really really really stupid. You're the most intelligent person i've ever known. You deserve so much better in life love. But you don't deserve anyone else other than me. I'm the best for you!! haha!

You can make me feel like a normal 18 year old boy falling in love, you make my life so much better with your lame jokes and your kisses. There's no where else that i want to be at than here .. Even after all the time that we spent together, you could still drive me crazy. I was never into New York City kinda thing but now i just wanna stay here forever with you.

I'm not trying to be cheesy here but hey look at my handwriting, it's so neat! this is all for you.I'm proud of you, you're really strong. Sometimes, i just want to bring you somewhere where no one can find you and let you relax. I hate seeing you being stressed out about your work. I don't know how do you manage to take care of a business that is way older than you are. p.s you look good in those glasses i love it!!!!

When you told me about Austin, i promised myself that one day, i'll help you to find him again. We're going to go through this together Taylor. I'll be here all the time. Don't ever feel scared if i'm going to leave you. Concentrate on better things, one day you're going to be so happy .. I'm going to make you the happiest person!

i'm just a boy who is trying his best to help you Taylor.

I can sing to you Stevie Wonder's songs until you fall asleep, i can shower you with kisses, i can drive you around and be your back up singer. I can listen to your lame jokes and you telling me about how insecure you are.

i can do all that. I promise i'll be here with you to get through the hard time tay.

Remember your original song that you posted when you were 16.

" People throw rocks at things that shine and life makes love look hard."

-" seashell " hair, Harry Styles

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