How they feel about a S/O with tattoos

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Jason: He thinks they're cool but doesn't like the idea of someone hurting you. 

Michael: Is fascinated by them but would never tell you so he admires them when you sleep

Ghostface (Billy and Stu): Stu absolutely adores them and thinks it makes you his little badass while Billy doesn't like the idea of someone hurting you and is very protective when you're adding a new tattoo but still thinks their cool. 

Brahms: At first you intimidated him due to the look of you with tattoos but he adpated to them and likes feeling how some of them are still rosen on the skin. 

Leatherface: They are one of his favorite things about you. He loves the decoration of them and admires the pain you put up with for them. 

Pennywise: He actually doesn't like them. Someone touching his s/o, I don't think so. 

Pinhead: You indured pain for someone you wanted? Hot. 

Beetlejuice: He loves tracing them and admires the work the artist did. 10/10 wants you to get his actual first name on your ass. 

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