New Earth

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The Doctor and I stand at the TARDIS controls starting to power it up, while Rose says goodbye to Mickey and Jackie, a while later Rose walks in and closes the doors.

"So where are we going?" Rose asks.

"Further than we've ever gone before" the Doctor says smiling, as him and I start to flip different switches, a few minutes later the TARDIS stops and the three of us walk over to the doors and push them open, across the river is a massive city and flying cars zoom overhead.

"It's the year five billion and twenty-three. We're in the galaxy M87, and this? This is New Earth" I say gesturing.

"That's just. That's just..." Rose starts.

"Not bad. Not bad at all" The Doctor says smiling.

"That's amazing. I'll never get used to this. Never. Different ground beneath my feet, different sky. What's that smell?"

"Apple grass" I smile.

"Apple grass."

"Yeah, yeah."

"It's beautiful. Oh, I love this. Can I just say, travelling with you two, I love it." She wraps her arm around mine.

"Us too. Come on" the Doctor grabs my hand while I grab Rose's hand, and we sprint off.

*Time skip*

I sit in between The Doctor's legs with his arms wrapped around me.

"So, the year five billion, the sun expands, the Earth gets roasted" the Doctor says.

"That was our first outing" Rose says.

"We had chips. So anyway, planet gone, all rocks and dust, but the human race lives on, spread out across the stars. Soon as the Earth burns up, oh yeah, they get all nostalgic, big revival movement, but then find this place. Same size as the Earth, same air, same orbit. Lovely. Call goes out, the humans move in."

"What's the city called?"

"New New York" I say.

"Oh, come on."

"It is. It's the city of New New York. Strictly speaking, it's the fifteenth New York since the original, so that makes it New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York" He says, Rose and I laugh quietly


"You're so different" Rose says scrunching her face.

"New New Doctor, and New New Seer" I say.

"Can we go and visit New New York, so good they named it twice?" Rose asks.

"Well, I thought we might go there first" I point to a pair of curved skyscrapers standing apart from the city on their side of the river.

"Why, what is it?"

"Some sort of hospital. Green moon on the side. That's the universal symbol for hospitals. I got this. A message on the psychic paper" I pull out the psychic paper the Doctor looks at it from over my shoulder.

"Ward 26. Please Come" he reads quietly. "You said this was a date" he murmurs resting his head on my back, Rose laughs quietly, watching us.

"Hmm. Come on, then. Let's go and buy some grapes" Rose stands up, I wiggle my way out of the Doctor's grip also getting up leaving the Doctor still sitting with a small pout on his lips. I lean down and peck him on the lips and he gives me a dopey grin.

"Come on Doctor, this can be our date, meeting someone at the hospital, I don't know about you but it's definitely better then running from aliens that want to kill us" I say, the Doctor looks up at me and slowly gets up throwing on his coat and the three of us walk towards the hospital.

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