Journeys End pt.2

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"Activate planetary alignment field" the planets glow.

"Universal Reality detonation in two hundred rels."

"You can't, Davros! Just listen to us! Just stop!" I say.

"Ah, ha, ha, ha! Nothing can stop the detonation. Nothing and no one!"

"But that's" the Doctor says, as him and I stare on.

"Impossible" the TARDIS materialises and the new Seer appears in the doorway.

"Brilliant" Jack says, then the new Seer runs across the floor.

"Don't!" The Doctor and I say, Davros zaps the new Seer. She drops the gizmo in pain.

"Activate holding cell" Donna runs out of the TARDIS and grabs the gizmo.

"I've got you. It's all right" Jack says popping up out of nowhere along with Martha.

"Don't move, all of you. Stay still" the Doctor says as his hand touches the forcefield around us, lighting it up.

"Guard them! On your knees, all of you. Surrender!"

"Do as he says" I say.

"Mum, I told you not to" Rose says.

"Yeah, but I couldn't leave you" Jackie says.

"The final prophecy is in place. The Doctor, the Seer and their children, all gathered as witnesses. Supreme Dalek, the time has come. Now, detonate the Reality bomb!" an iris in the planetoid spaceship opens to reveal the green bomb.

"Doctor! I've got it. But I don't know what to do!" Donna says, Davros zaps Donna, sending her flying backwards. Once again, the gizmo drops to the floor.

"Donna! Donna! Are you all right, Donna?" I ask.

"Destroy the weapon" a Dalek obeys "I was wrong about your warriors, Doctor and Seer. They are pathetic."

"How come there are two of you?" Rose asks.

"Human biological metacrisis. Never mind that. Now we've got no way of stopping the Reality Bomb" I say.

"Detonation in twenty rels. Nineteen."

"Stand witness, Time Lords. Stand witness, humans. Your strategies have failed, your weapons are useless, and. Oh. The end of the universe has come."

"Nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one" an alarm sounds.

"Mmm, closing all Z-neutrino relay loops using an internalised synchronous back-feed reversal loop. That button there" Donna says as she presses a button on the panel she was thrown against.

"Donna, you can't even change a plug" the Doctor says.

"Do you want to bet, Time Boy?" Donna replies.

"You'll suffer for this" Donna lifts a lever and Davros' electrical zap travels up his arm "argh!"

"Oh, bio-electric dampening field with a retrograde field arc inversion" Donna says.

"Exterminate her!"

"Exterminate. Exterminate. Exterminate" Donna works more controls on the panel.

"Weapons non-functional."

"Phwor. Macrotransmission of a K-filter wavelength blocking Dalek weaponry in a self-replicating energy blindfold matrix" Donna says.

"How did you work that out? You're..." the Doctor starts to only be cut off by the new Seer.

"Time Lord. Part Time Lord."

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