Voyage Of The Damned pt.3

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"Right. Get yourself up to Reception One. Once you're there, Mister Copper, you've got staff access to the computer. Try to find a way of transmitting an SOS. Astrid, you're in charge of this" the Doctor points to the EMP transmitter "once it's powered up, it'll take out a Host within fifty yards but then it needs sixty seconds to recharge. Got it?" Copper nods.

"Rickston, take this" I hand Slade my sonic screwdriver "I've pre-set it. Just hold down that button, it'll open doors. Do not lose it! You got that? Now go and open the next door. Go on, go!" I say.

"All right!" Slade runs off, the Doctor hands a first aid kit to Copper.

"Mister Copper, you're going to need this. I need you fighting fit. Astrid, where's the power points?"

"Under the comms" they plug in the EMP transmitter.

"See, when it's ready, that blue light comes on there" the Doctor says.

"You're talking as if you're not coming with us" Astrid says.

"There's something down on deck thirty-one. Me and the Seer going to find out what it is" the Doctor says.

"What if you meet a Host?"

"Well, then we'll just have some fun" I say.

"Sounds like you two do this kind of thing all the time."

"Not by choice. All we do is travel. That's what we are. Just travellers. Imagine it. No tax, no bills, no boss. Just the open sky" the Doctor says.

"I'm sort of unemployed now. I was thinking the blue box is kind of small, but I could squeeze in it, like a stowaway" Astrid says.

"It's not always safe" I say.

"So, you two need someone to take care of you. I've got no one back on Sto. No family, just me. So, what do you think? Can I come with you two?"

"Yeah, we'd like that. Yes" I say nodding a bang sounds.

"Mister Frame, you still with us?" the Doctor asks.

"It's the engines, sir. Final phase. There's nothing more I can do. We've got only eight minutes left."

"Don't worry, we'll get there."

"But the bridge is sealed off."

"Yeah, yeah, working on it. We'll get there, Mister Frame, somehow. All charged up? Mister Copper, look after her. Astrid, look after him. Rickston, er, look after yourself. And we'll see you again, we promise" the Doctor says.

"Hold on! There's an old tradition on Planet Sto" Astrid says running up to me.

"We have really got to go."

"Just wait a minute."

"Astrid takes the first aid box from Copper, stands on it and takes my face in her hands and kisses me hard.

"Yeah, that's a, ahem, very old tradition, yeah" I say.

"See you two later."

"Oh, yes!" the Doctor and I go back across the bridge, and soon end up in the galley where four Host are waiting. The Doctor grabs a large pan for a weapon.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Security protocol one. Do you hear me? One. One! Okay, that gives me three questions. Three questions to save my life, am I right?" the Doctor asks.

"Information. Correct"

"No, that wasn't one of them. I didn't mean it. That's not fair. Can I start again?"

"Information. No."

"No! No, no, no, no. That wasn't a question either. Blimey. One question left. One question. So, you've been given orders to kill the survivors but survivors must therefore be passengers or staff, but not us. We're passengers. We're not staff. Go on, scan us. You must have bio-records. No such person on board. We don't exist, therefore you can't kill us. Therefore, we're stowaways, and stowaways should be arrested and taken to the nearest figure of authority. And I reckon the nearest figure of authority is on deck thirty one. Final question. Am I right?" the Doctor asks.

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