The Sontaran Stratagem

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"I can't believe I'm doing this!" Donna says taking a hold of the TARDIS controls I stand beside her, while the Doctor was off doing who knows what.

"No, neither can I. Oh, careful" I hit the console with a hammer and pull a lever, then let Donna take control again "left hand down. Left hand down! Getting a bit too close to the 1980s" I say.

"What am I going to do, put a dent in them?" I make a face.

"Well, someone did" I say, that's when a telephone rings.

"Hold on. That's a phone" Donna says, the Doctor walks in his hair sticking out all over the place.

"What did you do? Go for a sleep?" I ask taking a mobile phone from a socket in the console.

"As a matter of fact, I did" he mutters.

"Without me, love" I say with a wink, he blushes.

"You've got a mobile? Since when?" Donna asks.

"It's not mine" I say as I answer it.


"Seer? It's Martha, and I'm bringing you back to Earth" the TARDIS materialises in an alleyway behind Martha, and I step out.

"Martha Jones" I say.

"Seer" we hug.

"You haven't changed a bit" I smile.

"Neither have you" Martha says.

"How's the family?"

"You know. Not so bad. Recovering" Donna comes out of the TARDIS followed by the Doctor who still had his hair sticking all over the place.

"What about you?" I ask.

"Right. Should have known. Didn't take you long to replace me, then" Martha says.

"Now, don't start fighting. Martha, Donna. Donna, Martha. Please don't fight. Can't bear fighting" the Doctor says placing a hand to his head.

"You wish" I cross my arms and look at the Doctor.

"Are you sure it was just a sleep?" The Doctor groans.

"Yes, I'm sure" I laugh.

"Whatever you say, love" Donna and Martha shake hands.

"I've heard all about you. They talk about you all the time" Donna says.

"I dread to think."

"No, no, no. No, they say nice things. Good things. Nice things. Really good things."

"Oh my God. They've told you everything."

"Didn't take long to get over it though. Who's the lucky man?"

"What man? Lucky what?" The Doctor asks, my hand in his hair as I try to stick it down.

"She's engaged, you prawn" Donna says.

"Really? Who to?"

"Tom. That Tom Milligan. He's in paediatrics. Working out in Africa right now. And yes, I know, I've got a doctor who disappears off to distant places. Tell me about it. "

"Is he skinny?" I ask.

"No, he's sort of strong."

"He is too skinny for words. You give him a hug, you get a paper cut" Donna says, I giggle.

"Oh, I'd rather you were fighting" the Doctor mumbles.

"Speaking of which."

"Doctor Jones, report to base, please. Over" Martha answers her walkie-talkie.

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