The Next Doctor

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The TARDIS materialises under a nice medieval archway, in the falling snow. The Doctor and I step out and smile, and walk into a busy Victorian market where sellers are calling out their wares. The policeman on the beat acknowledges them.

"Good afternoon."

"Hot chestnuts. Chestnuts."

"Oh, tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy. Oh, tidings"

"You there, boy. What day is this?" the Doctor asks.

"Christmas Eve, sir."

"What year?"

"You thick or something?"

"Oi. Just answer the question" I say.

"Year of our Lord 1851, ma'am."

"Right. Nice year. Bit dull" the Doctor says.

"Doctor! Doctor!" The Doctor and I look at each other.

"Who, me?" I shrug and we run towards the call.

"Doctor!" We find a dark-skinned young woman.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here?" the large double doors in the wall move and something snarls behind it "ooo. Ok, we've got it. Whatever's behind that door, I think you should get out of here."


"No, no. I'm standing right here. Hello" the Doctor waves.

"Don't be stupid. Who are you two?"

"I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer."

"Doctor who?"

"Just the Doctor" I say.

"Well, there can't be two of you" another man runs up "where the hell have you been?"

"Right then. Don't worry. Stand back. What have we got here then?" the man asks.

"Hold on, hold on. Who are you?" the Doctor asks.

"I'm the Doctor. Simply, the Doctor. The one, the only and the best. Rosita, give me the sonic screwdriver" the next Doctor says.

"The what?" the Doctor asks.

"Now quickly, get back to the TARDIS."

"Back to the what?" The Doctor asks, I look at the two.

"If you could stand back, sir, ma'am. This is a job for a Time Lord."

"Job for a what lord?" The Doctor asks, the doors burst open and an animal with a Cyberman-style head is visible.

"Oh, that's different" the Doctor says.

"Oh, that's new" the next Doctor says, the two Doctor's and I point our screwdrivers at it.

"Allons-y" both Doctor's say.

"I've been hunting this beast for a good fortnight. Now step back, sir, ma'am" the beast leaps and lands way up the opposite wall. It has a furry body and metal hands and feet.

"Some sort of primitive conversion, like they took the brain of a cat or a dog" I say.

"Well, talking's all very well. Rosita?"

"I'm ready" Rosita hands over a large coil of rope.

"Now, watch and learn" the rope is a lasso, and this next Doctor gets it around the beast in one try "excellent. Now then, let's pull this timorous beastie down to earth" the beast climbs higher, pulling him up with it.

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