The Unicorn And The Wasp

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The TARDIS materialises just inside the grounds of a grand old manor house, and the Doctor, Donna and I walk out.

"Oh, smell that air. Grass and lemonade. And a little bit of mint" the Doctor says.

"A hint of mint. Must be the nineteen twenties" I say.

"You can tell what year it is just by smelling?" Donna asks.

"Oh, yeah" the Doctor says nodding.

"Or maybe that big vintage car coming up the drive gave it away" Donna says, an open topped tourer turns on the gravel in front of the house and sounds its horn. Two servants come out, the butler and a footman, the Doctor, Donna and I eavesdrop in the shrubbery close by.

"The Professor's baggage, Richard. Step lively" the older driver gets out and removes his goggles.

"Good afternoon, Professor Peach."

"Hello, Greeves, old man" Peach says, a young vicar rides up on his bicycle "ah, Reverend."

"Professor Peach. Beautiful day. The Lord's in his heaven, all's right with the world."

"Reverend Golightly. Lady Eddison requests you make yourselves comfortable in your rooms. Cocktails will be served on the lawn from half past four."

"You go on up. I need check something in the library."



"It's supposed to be a party. All this work will be the death of you."

"Never mind Planet Zog. A party in the nineteen twenties, that's more like it" Donna says.

"The trouble is, we haven't been invited. Oh, I forgot. Yes, we have" the Doctor says waving the psychic paper around.

*Time skip*

The Doctor knocks on the TARDIS door, with me standing next to him.

"We'll be late for cocktails" the Doctor says, Donna has changed into a beaded dress suitable for the period. The Doctor and I have just taken off our coats.

"What do you think? Flapper or slapper?" Donna asks.

"Flapper. You look lovely" I say as the Doctor smiles before the three of us walk off to the lawn where the party was. The young footman from earlier starts a record playing while the Indian housekeeper gives orders.

"Look sharp. We have guests."

"Good afternoon" the Doctor says.

"Drinks, sir? Ma'am? Ma'am?"

"Sidecar, please" Donna says.

"And a lime and soda for us, thank you" the Doctor says.

"May I announce Lady Clemency Eddison" Lady Eddison is a petite older woman.

"Lady Eddison" I nod.

"Forgive me, but who exactly might you be, and what are you doing here?"

"I'm the Seer this is the Doctor. And this is Miss Donna Noble, of the Chiswick Nobles"

"Good afternoon, my lady. Topping day" Donna puts on a posh accent and drops a curtsey.

"No, no, no, no, no. No, don't do that" the Doctor whispers.

"What? Spiffing. Top hole."

"Don't" I show the psychic paper to Lady Eddison, as the Doctor and Donna argue quietly.

"We were thrilled to receive your invitation, my lady. We met at the Ambassador's reception" I say following Lady Eddison.

"Seer, how could I forget you? But one must be sure with the Unicorn on the loose."

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