The Lazarus Experiment pt.2

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The Doctor and I clamber amongst the pipes and control panels.

It's no good. You two can't stop me."

"Is that the same arrogance you had when you swore nothing had gone wrong with your device?" I say.

"The arrogance is yours. You can't stand in the way of progress."

You call feeding on innocent people progress? You're delusional!" The Doctor shouts.

"It is a necessary sacrifice."

"That's not your decision to make."

"Peek a boo" the mutant is hanging from the ceiling, and I gasp.

"Oh, hello" the Doctor says as him and I run out and down another corridor.

*Time skip*

I jump on a bench and start to take a light fitting apart. While the Doctor turns on a Bunsen burner and snuffs out the flame. I jump down lading with a soft thud and pull another tube off a gas fitting and hide behind another bench along with the Doctor.

"More hide and seek? How disappointing. Why don't you two come out and face me?" The Doctor turns on as much gas as he can.

"Have you looked in the mirror lately? Why would we want to face that, hmm?" I ask as the Doctor and I run to the back door and hit the light switch as we leave, as we do so the lab explodes behind us. The Doctor and I run into Martha.

"What are you doing here?" The Doctor asks.

"I'm returning this. I thought you might need it" she holds up the Doctor's sonic screwdriver.

"How did you?"

"I heard the explosion. I guessed it was you two."

"We blasted Lazarus" I say.

"Did you kill him?"

"More sort of annoyed him, I'd say."

"What now? We've just gone round in a circle" Martha says as we end up in the reception room again.

"We can't lead him outside. Come on, get in" we get into the sonic microfield manipulator chamber. The mutant is outside.

"Are we hiding?" Martha asks squashed between the Doctor and I.

"No, he knows we're here. But this is his masterpiece. I'm betting he won't destroy it, not even to get at us" the Doctor says.

"But we're trapped."

"Well, yeah, that's a slight problem."

"You mean you don't have a plan?"

"Yes, the plan was to get inside here."

"Then what?"

"Well, then I'd come up with another plan" I squint at the Doctor from over Martha's head.

"In your own time, then."

"Hey!" Martha says as the Doctor starts wiggling about.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry" the Doctor manages to get his sonic screwdriver out of his inside pocket.

"Here we are."

"What're you going to do with that?" Martha as the Doctor hands me his sonic which I take.

"Improvise" I reply sliding to the floor and opening a panel then start working with the wires and processors I find there.

"I still don't understand where that thing came from. Is it alien?"

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