The Runaway Bride pt.2

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Everyone is bopping to the music, under a big disco ball, and having a wonderful time when the Doctor, Donna and I enter.

"Does he ride a red nosed reindeer, does he turn up on his sleigh? Do the fairies keep him sober for a day? So here it..." our entrance stops the fun.

"You had the reception without me?" Donna says.

"Donna, what happened to you?" The Doctor and I look at each other.

"You had the reception without me?"

"Hello. I'm the Doctor, this is the Seer" I wave slightly.

"They had the reception without me" Donna says looking up at me, I was slightly taller than her.

"Yes, we gathered" I reply quietly while looking around at the various family members.

"Well, it was all paid for. Why not?"

"Thank you, Nerys" Donna replies.

"Well, what were we supposed to do? I got your silly little message in the end. I'm on Earth? Very funny. What the hell happened? How did you do it? I mean, what's the trick, because I'd love to know" suddenly everyone starts talking at once.

"Where were you the whole time?" Everyone shuts up and Donna bursts into tears hugging who we could only assume was Lance. Everyone applauds and Donna winks at the Doctor and me as she goes off to dance with Lance.

"I have wandered, I have rambled, I have crossed this crowded sphere. And I've seen..." I watch on with a small smile as I lean against the bar with the Doctor standing next to me.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks looking down at me.

"Hmm, oh... nothing" I reply looking away from him.

"Oh, come on, it's not nothing" he says, wrapping his arm around my waist and brings me closer to him.

"I'm pretty sure you know what I'm smiling about" I laugh wrapping my arms around his neck, he makes a face then shakes his head "our wedding night, you dummy" I say bring one arm down to play with his tie.

"Oh, yes of course!" He chuckles, I lean up placing a kiss on his lips.

"I love you" I whisper.

"I love you too" he looks up to spot a man holding a phone, he looks back down at me "I think we need to do some investigating on how Donna got into the TARDIS" he says, he grabs my hand and drag me over to the man with the phone, the Doctor points to the phone and the man nods.

"HC Clements" I say taking the phone from the Doctor and looking at it.

"Oh, my girl, my girl, my precious girl, what is this man to do. So, reel me in, my precious girl."

"HC Clements, sole proprietor...Torchwood" I say.

"Come on, take me home. Cos my body's tired of travelling and my heart don't wish to roam" I hand back the phone and turn to see the Doctor staring sadly as the people dance, I give him a hug, he smiles and lifts me off the ground to give me a hug.

"Well, you took me in, you stole my heart, I cannot roam no more. Cos love it stays within you, it doesn't wash up on a shore. Then a fighting man forgets each cut, each knock, each bruise, each fall. But a fighting man cannot forget" a while later the Doctor spots the man making the video record of the wedding and both him and I walk over.

"Oh, I taped the whole thing. They've all had a look. They said sell it to You've Been Framed. I said, more like the News. Here we are" the Doctor and I watch as Donna walks down the aisle and is turned into gold energy and flies off.

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